Wise GIM Fellowship
Samuel H. Wise fellowship in GIM

The Samuel Wise fellowship is an endowed fellowship for Board Certified / Board Eligible internists seeking to develop an area of scholarly expertise in academic general internal medicine. The program is based in the Division of Internal Medicine at the Oregon Health & Science University. It is designed to prepare individuals for careers as clinician-investigators or clinician-educators in academic general internal medicine. The fellowship is 2 years, with an optional 3rd year considered on an individual basis during the fellows’ 2nd year.
Core curriculum
- Scholarship: Fellows are expected to work with a primary mentor from within the Division of General Internal Medicine. They will conduct one or more scholarly projects and will participate in bi-monthly mentorship meetings. Fellows will attend a weekly research in progress session, where they are expected to present their own work 3 times per year. They will also be expected to present their scholarship at regional or national conferences. The fellowship program also provides fellows the opportunity to complete certificate or master level degree programs in clinical research.
- Teaching: To prepare general medicine fellows to become excellent teachers, fellows will serve as co-attending in resident general medicine clinics where they will practice the principles of one-on-one clinical teaching and evaluate and provide feedback to learners. They will also receive instruction in the basic principles of learning theory and teaching styles and in the organization and implementation of medical education programs.
- Service: To prepare general medicine fellows for excellent clinical care of adult patients in a clinic setting, fellows will provide care for their own panel of patients in a general medicine clinic. Fellows are also expected to develop other skills related to service by being members of related committees (such as the Ambulatory Residency Advisory Committee) and participating in peer-reviews.
Faculty areas of expertise
GIM fellows will be most successful when working directly with one of our faculty members. The following is a partial list of our faculty members’ health service research interests and expertise:
- Community-based participatory research (CBPR) approaches
- Health disparities, health equity, and social determinants of health
- Interpersonal violence
- Substance abuse
- Osteoporosis
- Depression
- Autism / developmental disabilities
- Chronic pain
- Cervical cancer prevention
- Chronic illness management
- Homelessness
- Physician-patient communication
- Medical education
Additional opportunities
Several unique opportunities exist for fellows at OHSU:
- Community-based participatory research (CBPR) and health disparities: OHSU GIM has several faculty members who focus on improving the healthcare of marginalized populations by using a CBPR approach. Fellows are encouraged to work within existing community-academic partnerships or develop new ties with community agencies.
- Evidence-based Medicine: OHSU GIM has a cohort of faculty who are well-versed in teaching Evidence-based Medicine (EBM) and who have conducted systematic reviews on various topics through the Oregon Evidence-based Practice Center (EPC). The EPC is funded through the Agency for Healthcare Quality and Research, and conducts projects on Drug Effectiveness and Reviews for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Fellows with specific interest in this area may have opportunities to work on EPC projects.
- Social Medicine: The Division of General Internal Medicine at OHSU and Central City Concern (CCC), a Portland based non-profit serving individuals and families impacted by homelessness, poverty and addictions, have partnered to create a unique opportunity for fellows. This curriculum offers opportunities for advanced training in Social Medicine Leadership, teaches the practical administrative and clinical skills needed to provide excellent multidisciplinary care in a safety net organization, while also offering training in research and medical education required for leadership positions in academia and elsewhere.
Program director:
How to apply
Applications are accepted in the fall for the following July. Please contact the program director and/or program coordinator to inquire about whether applications are being accepted this year. We encourage all prospective applicants to reach out by email to schedule a brief phone conversation with the Program Director. It is reasonable to do this after submitting your CV and cover letter and before submitting letters of recommendation.
We require that the applicant have graduated from an ACGME accredited residency program. We require a competency-based letter from your residency program director, in addition to 1-2 letters of recommendation. Interviews typically begin in the late summer and continue through late fall.
In addition to completing an application, candidates should also submit the following:
- Curriculum vitae (CV) in which highlight the applicant’s qualifications.
- Cover letter (personal statement) explaining their career goals, specific interests in fellowship in General Internal Medicine, OHSU, and how this fellowship will help them meet their career goals. Please also describe main areas of scholarly interest and some basic ideas for projects that the applicant may be interested in pursuing during fellowship (in order that we can arrange appropriate interviewers and suggest possible mentors).
- A one-page draft proposal for a scholarly project that could be something the applicant starts and completes during the fellowship. This should pertain to the applicant’s area of interest, and could range from a curriculum development or evaluation to a clinical and epidemiologic research study.
Please send application and requested material to the fellowship coordinator: Katrina Capatina
Application form
Candidates must be Board Certified or Board Eligible in Internal Medicine. Candidates from underrepresented minorities are encouraged to apply.