Madras Sub-Internship Student Rotations

St. Charles Madras Family Care Clinic and Madras Hospital are offering four-week Family Medicine sub-internship rotations to qualifying 4th year medical students (see requirements below). This robust rotation includes inpatient experiences at a rural Critical Access Hospital and at a rural clinic. 

Sub-internship rotations do not guarantee an interview; however, these experiences will primarily be used for students interested in the Three Sisters Residency Program. If interested, please note that we use the AAMC Visiting Student Learning Opportunities (VSLO, previously known as VSAS) to receive visiting M.D. and D.O. student applications. For more information regarding VSLO, please visit the VSLO website or contact 202-478-9878.

Additional Requirements

Below are the additional requirements specific to St. Charles. Read the OHSU Visiting Medical Student webpage to learn more about OHSU requirements and visiting student opportunities.

  • Once accepted, students will need:
    • To complete additional EPIC training, specific to St. Charles, upon arrival.
    • To complete St. Charles onboarding through my Clinical Exchange (mCE).
    • Confirm an affiliation agreement is in place between St. Charles and their school at least 5 weeks prior to rotation start.
      • Program Letter of Agreement or Affiliation Agreement.