Taking Care of Your Diabetes

5 Ways To Manage Your Diabetes

check blood sugar

Checking your blood sugar is important no matter what kind of diabetes you have. Regular checking will help you see how medication, food, or physical activity make your blood sugars go up or down. A diabetes educator or doctor will help you understand if you are meeting your blood sugar goals.

Do you have a visit with us soon? Share your blood sugar numbers here.

eat healthy image 3

Eating healthy food can help you manage your blood sugar, weight, cholesterol, and blood pressure. Dietitians are experts in healthy eating. Our dietitians will help you learn how to make healthy eating enjoyable. Our dietitians also help children with diabetes and their families form healthy eating habits that allow them to grow and have energy to do the activities they love.

Make an appointment with one of our dietitians here.

Take medication image 3

Taking medication is a common part of managing diabetes. Diabetes medications help lower blood sugar. Diabetes medications can also help you eat less, lose weight, and lower your risk for heart attacks, stroke, and kidney damage. Speak with your diabetes educator or doctor to learn more about medications for you.  

Learn about diabetes education and how to schedule an appointment here.

Stay Active image 2

Staying active is important for everyone with diabetes. Any amount of activity helps manage blood sugar. Whether you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, your diabetes educator will help create an activity plan that is safe and fun.

Learn about diabetes education and how to schedule an appointment here.

Get support image 2

You don’t have to manage your diabetes alone. Meet with a diabetes educator to gain the knowledge and skills you need to live a healthy and happy life. It is normal to feel overwhelmed or burned out from having diabetes. Our behavioral health team can help support you with these feelings. 

Learn about our behavioral health services here.

Looking for more? Get connected to support outside of our clinic here.

To Learn More About Diabetes, Check Out These Resources

American Diabetes Association (ADA)


Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)


Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF)
