Tuition and Financial Aid for the DI
Tuition and fees
The total cost of attendance is publicly available through OHSU’s Estimated Cost of Attendance webpage. For a detailed breakdown of the DI program tuition and fees, navigate to the 2024-2025 OHSU Tuition and Fees dropdown and click the Tuition and Fees document. The cost per credit for the DI program is on page 2. OHSU’s tuition and fee schedule is updated annually. The DI program requires approximately 22 credits to complete.
In addition to current estimated OHSU tuition and fees for graduate programs, the Estimated Total Cost of Attendance webpage contains other useful information such as estimated living expenses and the cost of books and supplies while attending OHSU.
Financial aid
All students enrolled in the Graduate Programs in Human Nutrition (including the Dietetic Internship program) are eligible to apply for financial aid. More information and application details are available at the Office of Student Financial Aid website.
Student debt counseling
Current and past students of OHSU have access to services through the Student Debt Counseling and Financial Management Program. By helping to mentor and educate students while they are attending OHSU, the Student Debt Management Program strives to help students create their own educational debt management plan so that they have a better understanding of their obligations and options after graduation.
Provost Excellence Scholarship and the OHSU President’s Fund Scholarship
OHSU Provost Excellence Scholarship
OHSU has established a new Provost Excellence Scholarship to help increase the number of students who graduate from a number of our health professional programs and the diversity of our overall student body to 30% by the year 2030. Priority applications will be considered for scholarship funding, OHSU scholarship funding is intended to increase student diversity. To be eligible, students must meet two of the OHSU diversity criteria. These are: first-generation college student; family history of social service or educational support; from a rural or frontier community; member of an underrepresented racial/ethnic minority group in health care. The scholarship provides half of tuition and fees for the duration of the program. Those who apply to the DI, MSHN/DI or MSFSS/DI program are automatically considered and nominated for this award if eligible.
OHSU President's Fund Scholarship
The healthcare profession’s core obligation is to meet our nation’s many health needs as comprehensively as possible. This obligation includes training a sufficient number of able healthcare providers in different practice areas and ensuring that competent health care is available to all citizens in an increasingly heterogeneous society-an effort often advanced with a diverse student body in health science universities. To ensure that graduates of OHSU help address the healthcare needs of Oregon, the region and the United States, OHSU will provide President’s funding to health professions programs to cover tuition and fees to eligible students. To be eligible, students must meet two of the OHSU diversity criteria. These are: first-generation college student; family history of social service or educational support; from a rural or frontier community; member of an underrepresented racial/ethnic minority group in health care. Funding will be provided to selected students for the entire length of their program. Those who apply to the DI, MSHN/DI or MSFSS/DI program are automatically considered and nominated for this award if eligible.
Additional scholarships
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation: The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation offers a variety of scholarships. Award details and eligibility requirements may be found on the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation site.
Oregon Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: The Oregon Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics typically offers a modest scholarship to an Oregon student(s). Students are nominated by their program faculty and cannot nominate themselves for these awards.
Center for Diversity and Inclusion: The Center for Diversity and Inclusion also compiles a list of scholarships available to graduate students interested in areas of the health and sciences.
Be Midge's Hero Scholarship: This award is offered to students who demonstrate commitment to a plant-strong, whole foods-based lifestyle, and an intention to promote this lifestyle in future professional pursuits. Award amount varies from $3,500 to $5,000, depending on number of eligible students.
Diane Warner Schmidt Scholarship: This scholarship is available to students from Minnesota or Wisconsin who would like to attend the Dietetic Internship or concurrent MS-Dietetic Internship at OHSU. This scholarship was established in memory of Mrs. Schmidt who grew up in Minnesota, attended the OHSU DI, and then lived and worked in Wisconsin for the rest of her life. She cherished her experiences during the internship and while in Portland and wanted to give others the opportunity to grow professionally outside the comforts of their home state as she did. Award amount varies from $2,500 to $5,000, depending on number of eligible students.
Promising Scholar Award: Funded by the Center for Diversity and Inclusion at OHSU and the School of Medicine, Promising Scholar Awards are made to outstanding scholars who have been admitted to any graduate program in the School of Medicine that results in a Master’s level degree or Ph.D., and who also show great potential to contribute to the intellectual richness and diversity of the OHSU student community. Students are nominated internally by their Program Directors. The awards are generally for $1,500 and are contingent upon the student accepting OHSU’s offer of admission into a graduate program and their matriculation into the program before a specified deadline each year. These funds are intended to help reimburse moving expenses to Portland, Oregon, but may be used for any purpose.
Oregon Office of Student Access and Completion (OSAC): Students attending OHSU fall 2025 through spring 2026 may now apply for scholarships through Oregon's Office of Student Access and Completion. This one OSAC application covers more than 600 scholarship programs valued at more than $10 million. While various scholarships are available, some are related to health profession students. There are also scholarships that do not require Oregon residency. All materials must be submitted to OSAC.