MR Norvartis Cain 457F2302 Research Protocol

Scan notes:

  • This is a research study to look at the hand and wrist in patients with RA.
  • The study has provided us with a “M-Frame Positioner” which we use to stabilize the hand and wrist for consistent positioning. It is in the Research Phantom Drawer in MR1 (shared with the XOMA study).
  • Use the SENSE Small Extremity 8-channel coil for this study, with the patient positioned comfortably (either superman or with hand down by the side).
  • See attached diagrams for hand positioning with the M-Frame and for coverage.
  • This is a NO READ study.

Last updated: 4/12/19
Charge as: MRI Hand & Wrist W/WO, "NO READ"
Scanner preference: MR2 only
Coil: Sense Small Extremity 8 ch coil 

Norvartis Cain 457F2302 positioning image

Using the M-Frame Positioner

  1. Place the vitamin E capsules in the 3 wells as shown
  2. Lay the hand/wrist on curved surface of the frame, with fingers comfortably together
  3. Wrap with latex-free self-adhesive bandage
Sequence Change Parameters? Change # slices? Coverage/ Angulation
Wrist LOC - - Position the coil and M-Frame so that the wrist is well centered in the coil.
Wrist COR STIR NO NO Angle to the flattest surface of the palm and to MCP-3. Center FOV on carpal bones and distal radius/ulna
Wrist COR 3D T1 NO NO Angle to the flattest surface of the palm and to MCP-3. Center FOV on carpal bones and distal radius/ulna
MCP LOC - - You may need to reposition the coil to make sure the MCP is getting enough signal
MCP COR STIR NO NO Angle to the flattest surface of the palm and to MCP-3. Center FOV on MCP and PIP
MCP COR 3D T1 NO NO Angle to the flattest surface of the palm and to MCP-3. Center FOV on MCP and PIP

Contrast injection

Dose by weight. Hand injection.

Sequence Change Parameters? Change # slices? Coverage/ Angulation
POST MCP COR 3D T1 NO NO Angle to the flattest surface of the palm and to MCP-3. Center FOV on MCP and PIP. Do not reposition patient from pre-contrast imaging of the hand
Wrist LOC - - You may need to reposition the coil to cover the wrist after having moved to cover the MCP
POST WRIST COR 3D T1 NO NO Angle to the flattest surface of the palm and to MCP-3. Center FOV on carpal bones and distal radius/ulna