Our Staff

Willi Portrait
Willi Horner-Johnson, PhD 

Willi Horner-Johnson, PhD 
OODH Director 

Willi Horner-Johnson, Ph.D., is the principal investigator and director for the Oregon Office on Disability and Health. She is a researcher at the Institute on Development and Disability and an associate professor in the OHSU-PSU School of Public Health. Dr. Horner-Johnson’s research focuses on the reproductive health of people with disabilities, and on disparities in access to and quality of health care received by people with disabilities.

Jana Portrait

Jana Peterson-Besse, MPH, PhD 
Program Manager

Jana Peterson-Besse, Ph.D., M.P.H., is the program manager for the Oregon Office on Disability and Health. Dr. Peterson-Besse’s work focuses on improving health and health care equity for people with disabilities. She also works on increasing the inclusion of disability equity concepts within public health education.

Corey Portrait

Corey Coloma
Communications and Research Assistant

Coloma is a research assistant for the University Center for Excellence at OHSU. Coloma has worked on various projects including supporting people with I/DD to have knowledge and understanding about Covid-19 and to have ways to cope through the current times. Coloma also started his 5th year working on the National Core Indicators Survey this year. He is now joining our team in the role of Communications. 

Kelsey Portrait

Kelsey Weinstein
Linkage Project Coordinator

Kelsey Weinstein, MA, is the Linkage Coordinator for the Oregon Office on Disability and Health. Kelsey’s work centers around addressing barriers related to preventive care and health promotion and connecting individuals with disabilities to appropriate supports and services. 

Emily Dinwiddie Headshot

Emily Dinwiddie, M.Ed. 
Linkage Specialist

Emily Dinwiddie, M.Ed. is the Linkage Specialist for the Oregon Office on Disability and Health. Emily’s work has centered around care management, addressing barriers related to preventive care, and connecting individuals with disabilities to appropriate resources to address their needs. 

Ashley Portrait

Ashley Peters
Health Promotion and Accessibility Specialist

Ashley Peters, MPA:HA is the health promotion and accessibility specialist for the Oregon Office on Disability and Health. Ashley is involved in multiple programs with the goal of making healthcare more accessible and equitable for individuals with disabilities.  

Sandra Smit Portrait

Sandra Smit 
Program Evaluator 

Sandra Smit, MPH, is the Program Evaluator for the Oregon Office on Disability and Health. She will develop monitoring and evaluation strategies designed to ensure program activities achieve results, and identify opportunities for improvement.

Kimberly Phillips Portrait

Kimberly Phillips, PhD
Research Project Manager

Kimberly Phillips, PhD, is a research project manager for the Oregon Office on Disability and Health. Her work focuses on improving access to preventive health care, promoting inclusive health programs, and expanding opportunities for Oregon adults with disabilities to engage in healthy behaviors. 

Rhonda Portrait

Rhonda Eppelsheimer, MSW 
UCEDD Director 

Rhonda Eppelsheimer, M.S.W., is co-director of the OHSU University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities. She is active in educating current and future health professionals to provide equitable care for people with disabilities and is supporting OODH's health care provider training efforts.