Services offered
Services offered
For human cell line authentication, several modes of service are available to meet your research needs and finances. The services vary in core support of input DNA quality verification and the level of data analysis provided. Please choose from one of the three following options:
Full service STR profiling ($96/sample):
With our full service option, researchers will have their gDNA quantified on our Nanodrop 1000 and assessed on our Agilent 2200 TapeStation to check concentration and integrity of the DNA. Genomic DNA will then be diluted to the appropriate concentration for the cell line authentication (CLA) assay and undergo cycle sequencing and fragment analysis on an Applied Biosystems 3730xl DNA Analyzer. Raw data (allele table and electropherogram images) from the CLA assay will be compiled and allele calls will be run against the ATCC and/or DSMZ STR profiling databases. An easy-to-read report will be generated and sent to all investigators. Please submit a minimum of 5 μL of your gDNA at a concentration of at least 20 ng/μL.
If you need assistance with DNA isolation, please see isolation service options available through the Gene Profiling Shared Resource.
Minimum charge for this CLA service request is $192, which covers the cost for up to two samples.
STR profiling with analysis, but without DNA QA ($82/sample):
With our no QA (Quality Assessment) service option, researchers will quantify and dilute their own gDNA and submit their samples ready to be analyzed. This service will include cycle sequencing of the gDNA and fragment analysis on an Applied Biosystems 3730xl DNA Analyzer, raw data compilation and database comparison, and report generation. Please submit at least 10-20 ng of your gDNA in 5-10ul final volume in a concentration ranging from 10-20ng/ul. Note: due to the Core facility not QA'ing these samples, any troubleshooting required by the Core will result in additional charges.
Minimum charge for this CLA service request is $164, which covers the cost for up to two samples.
STR profiling and raw data only ($65/sample):
With our no QA or analysis service option, researchers will quantify and dilute their own gDNA and submit their samples ready to be analyzed. Genomic DNA will undergo cycle sequencing and fragment analysis on an Applied Biosystems 3730xl DNA Analyzer, and raw data (allele table and electropherogram images) from the CLA assay will be compiled and sent to the investigators for their own analysis. STR database comparison and report generation will not be completed with this mode of service. Please submit 10 ng of your gDNA in 5-10 μL final volume.
Minimum charge for this CLA service request is $130, which covers the cost for up to two samples.
Contact Britt Daughtry for information about non-OHSU academic and non-OHSU commercial pricing.