A systems biology approach to understanding and treating cancer

OCCSB involves top scientists from across many disciplines to develop better methods of detecting and treating cancers. A systems biology approach means a comprehensive look at all spatial scales, from the tiniest (molecular level) through the whole person, over time. Learn more about the OCSSB.
Centers within the OCSSB
Multiple OCSSB projects have been designated national Research Centers by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) or the National Institute of Health:
- The Measuring, Modeling, and Controlling Heterogeneity (M2CH) Center for Cancer System Biology, a U54 Reseach Center of the NCI Cancer Systems Biology Consortium.
- Omic and Multidimensional Spatial Atlas of Metastatic Breast Cancer, or OMS Atlas, an NCI Human Tumor Atlas Network (HTAN) Research Center.
- The Pacific Northwest Center for Cryo-EM (PNCC), a National CryoEM Center.
- The Microenvironment Perturbagen (MEP) NIH Library of Integrated Network-based cellular signature Center, known as LINCS.
- The Serial Measurements of Molecular and Architectural Responses to Therapy (SMMART) program is the flagship project of the Knight Cancer Institute’s Precision Oncology program.
Learn more about OCSSB research.
Faculty publications links
Joe Gray, Ph.D.
MyNCBI | Patents: USPTO
Laura Heiser, Ph.D.
Young Hwan Chang, Ph.D.
Google Scholar
Sunjong Kwon, Ph.D.
Summer Gibbs, Ph.D.
Kwang-Yung Chen (Koei Chin), M.D., Ph.D.
Heidi Feiler, Ph.D.
Xiaolin Nan, Ph.D.
MyNCBI | Google Scholar
Guillaume Thibault, Ph.D.
Thibault lab lists of publications
Craig Yoshioka, Ph.D.
Catherine Galbraith, Ph.D.
Google Scholar
James (Jim) Galbraith, Ph.D.
Jim Korkola, Ph.D.
Multiscale Microscopy Core housed within OCSSB
The Multiscale Microscopy Core is a state-of-the-art electron microscopy research core established in 2013 by the OCSSB and FEI (now ThermoFisher Scientific). The MMC provides electron microscopy, related imaging services and technical support to both academic and industry professionals. Learn more about the MMC.