Patient Education

These resources are to help patients learn more about chronic kidney disease (CKD), including dialysis and transplantation, high blood pressure management, and goals of care planning. The OHSU Division of Nephrology and Hypertension does not endorse any resources and we have not reviewed all content. Some resources are not from the US and not all details may apply to your care. Please review any questions or concerns with your individual provider. For information about research in our division, please visit our trials webpage.
Please note, diet restrictions (such as potassium or phosphorus) do not apply to all patients, please review your kidney function and nutrition questions with your provider.
- National Kidney Foundation Dialysis Basics
- My Kidney Life Plan (Medical Education Institute) -- Assessing patient values and treatment options in dialysis
- Home Dialysis Central (Medical Education Institute)
- MATCH-D Tool (designed for providers) – Assessing treatment options in dialysis
- Kidney Health Australia - Choosing your treatment
- YouTube Videos about Dialysis
Please note, not all of these companies provide dialysis in the Portland area or Oregon. OHSU is not aligned with any individual company.
- Coalition for Supportive Care of Kidney Patients
- Conservative Kidney Management (Canada)
- Conversation Project – guides to conversations about advanced care and end of life planning
- Five Wishes – resources for talking about advanced care planning with your family and providers
- Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) – OR and WA states have their own individual POLST forms.