Patient Care

The Division of Nephrology and Hypertension offers a full range of clinical services, including care for patients with high blood pressure and chronic kidney disease. We emphasize a holistic approach to patient-care and offer non-pharmacologic, as well as pharmacologic, approaches to both hypertension and kidney failure.
Dialysis Program
Our nephrologists provide dialysis services at various units throughout the Portland metropolitan area, Southwest Washington, and the Columbia River Gorge. Comprehensive dialysis care is provided in conjunction with nurses, social workers, and dietitians.
Kidney Disease Program
Our general kidney disease clinic offers evaluation and treatment of all forms of kidney disease, including chronic kidney disease, acute kidney injury, hypertension, and electrolyte disorders. We also offer comprehensive management of renal disease requiring in-center hemodialysis, home hemodialysis, and peritoneal dialysis. In addition to our general clinic we have specialized clinics for individual diseases as noted below.
Cardiorenal Program
In the OHSU Cardiorenal Clinic, we care for patients with complex heart and kidney disease. Nephrology and cardiology specialists assess patients and develop individualized treatment plans with the aim of improving heart and kidney function as possible, as well as preparing for advanced therapies (such as transplantation) if appropriate.
Glomerular Disease Program
The OHSU Glomerular Disease Program cares for complex patients with nephrotic syndrome and glomerulonephritis. This may be related to IgA nephropathy, FSGS, Minimal Change Disease, Lupus nephritis, multiple myeloma, or other diseases. The program combines the expertise of specially trained nephrologists and pathologists to provide individualized care to patients.
Hypertension Program
The OHSU Comprehensive Hypertension Program offers individualized care to patients who have complex or challenging hypertension. The center also specializes in the assessment and treatment of secondary hypertension (high blood pressure that has been linked to a specific cause).
Kidney Stone Program
The OHSU Kidney Stone clinic provides care for patients with kidney stones across different specialties, including nephrology, urology, and clinical nutrition. Patients may be referred from their primary care providers or other specialists, as appropriate.
Kidney Transplant Program
The OHSU Kidney Transplant Program began in 1959, with the first transplant on the West Coast, and to date has served more than 5,000 patients. We take a multidisciplinary approach to care for you, which includes an expert team of nephrologists, urologists, surgeons, nurse coordinators, pharmacists, dieticians, social workers, financial coordinators and patient service representatives.