Sample Schedule | ID Fellowship

Microbiology is core to the study of infectious diseases. To ensure our fellows have thorough and clear working knowledge of bench and molecular microbiology, our first-year fellows spend the first month of fellowship on focused microbiology education before starting clinical rotations in August. This experience includes a practical experience in the laboratory accompanied by a series of learning sessions with core infectious diseases and microbiology teaching faculty.

For inpatient rotations, we have spread these months across both years to both ensure first year fellows have time to explore scholarly interests early in their training and to balance fellow wellness with clinical service. As demonstrated below, first-year fellows will rotate about 7 months on an inpatient service (5 General ID, 2 Transplant ID) and spend 4 months on research blocks. In the second year, fellows generally spend 3 months on the General ID service, 1 month on Transplant ID, 1 month on elective time, and the rest pursuing scholarship.

July Microbiology Rotation
August General ID
September General ID
October Research
November Research
December General ID
January General ID
February Transplant ID
March Research
April Transplant ID
May General ID
June Research
July General ID
August Research
September Research
October Elective
November Transplant ID
December Research
January Research
February General ID
March Research
April Research
May General ID
June Research