Clinical Activities | ID Fellowship

Inpatient Experience

ID Fellow and Faculty member rounding

OHSU Hospital, Portland VA Medical Center, and Hillsboro Medical Center have a combined total of roughly 1,000 beds and serve a diverse patient population from Southern Washington to Northern California and the whole of Oregon to Idaho.

The ID Division operates four inpatient consult teams, one of which is a non-teaching service at Hillsboro Medical Center. The teaching service staffs two General ID and one Transplant ID teams. The General ID teams are staffed by ID faculty, an ID fellow, an ID pharmacist, as well as both medical and pharmacy resident(s) & student(s) and follow a census of roughly 12-17 patients per team, with an average of 3 to 6 new consultations per day. The Transplant ID team is typically staffed by Transplant ID faculty & a fellow and follows a census of roughly 10 patients, with an average of 2 to 3 new consultations per day. The inpatient consult teams work closely with our Outpatient Parenteral Antibiotic Therapy (OPAT) program to safely transition hospitalized patients requiring prolonged antibiotic treatment back into the community setting. Elective inpatient ID consult rotations in year two are available at Doernbecher Children's Hospital, Hillsboro Medical Center, Providence Portland Medical Center, Portland Kaiser Permanente and St Charles Hospital in Bend Oregon - these provide exposure to infectious diseases in the pediatric population and in four different community practice settings.

Generally, fellows complete 7 inpatient consult months during their first year and 4 inpatient consult months during their second year (see sample schedule page for details).

Outpatient Experience

The inpatient activities are complemented by a diversity of ambulatory ID specialty clinic experiences at both the VA and OHSU. There are roughly 1,400 patients living with HIV who receive their care at either OHSU or the Portland VA Medical Center and both hospitals have comprehensive HIV/AIDS programs. Under the clinical mentorship of ID faculty, our fellows act as the primary care provider for a cohort of patients living with HIV in a longitudinal outpatient clinic (one-half day per week). Most of the fellows will have their continuity clinic at the VA. The fellow in each cohort who participates in the HIV pathway (see HIV pathway) will have their continuity clinic at the OHSU HIV clinic site.  Within the continuity clinic, fellows also play an instrumental role in new general ID consultations and OPAT follow-up.  

In the second year of training, additional subspecialty clinic rotations under the guidance of faculty with relevant expertise allow our fellows to participate in the outpatient care of Transplant ID patients, patients with mycobacterial infections, and patients with hepatitis C virus infection. Our fellows also rotate in the Oregon Health Authority’s sexually transmitted infection clinic in Multnomah County under the supervision of the county providers who staff this clinic.