
Partnering in diversity
The OHSU Transgender Health Program can connect you with international leaders in care for the transgender and gender-nonconforming communities. Meet the team and their innovative techniques.
The School of Medicine supports community-based partnerships and collaborations that support diversity in our missions of teaching, research and health care.
Kaiser Permanente Diversity Mentorship Program
The SOM Undergraduate Medical Education program launched a partnership in the spring of 2019 with Northwest Permanente (NWP) to expand the pool of physicians who can mentor diverse M.D. students. NWP is the largest independent, multispecialty medical group practicing in Oregon and Southwest Washington. Medical students who belong to various interest groups are eligible to participate in the program. Physicians and students are paired up and receive guidance on how to build professional relationships. The program also provides a valuable outlet for physicians to connect with diverse and URM students.
The Diversity Mentorship program is currently recruiting OHSU physician mentors in all areas and specialties. Learn more.
California Oregon Medical Partnership on Rural Health
OHSU and UC Davis established a robust graduate medical education collaborative known as COMPADRE, short for California Oregon Medical Partnership to Address Disparities in Rural Education and Health.
The American Medical Association funds the $1.8 million proposal as part of its Reimagining Residency Initiative. COMPADRE brings together a powerful coalition of ten health care systems, 31 residency programs, 16 hospitals, and two medical schools (OHSU and UC Davis). It seeks to change the composition of the physician workforce by recruiting, teaching, and training persons from underserved populations.
One of its goals is to enable them to practice in under-resourced communities between Sacramento and Portland eventually.
Contact us
OHSU School of Medicine DEI
Leslie Garcia, Assistant Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion