Personalized Genetic Medicine to Prevent Invasive Uterine Cancer and Unnecessary Hysterectomies

The purpose of the study is to learn if molecular testing of endometrial biopsies from women diagnosed with pre-invasive complex “hyperplasia” can show who will or will not respond to progestin treatment with placement of the Levonorgestrel Intrauterine Device (LNG IUD).

WHRU - Personalized Genetic Medicine to Prevent Invasive Uterine Cancer and Unnecessary Hysterectomies

There is no way to differentiate cases of endometrial hyperplasia that will or will not respond to progestin treatment. If this test is proven to be useful, it may prevent unnecessary hysterectomies in women without the genetic markers, and expedite definitive treatment in women who will not respond to progestins and should have a hysterectomy.


  • At this time, we are only accepting patients referred to us by their OHSU physician.


You will not be compensated for participating in this study.

Whom do I contact for additional information?

To find out more information and to learn if you are qualified to participate, fill out the online form or call the Women’s Health Research Unit confidential recruitment line at 503-494-3666 or email us at