Oxytocin Receptor DNA Methylation and Postpartum Maternal Outcomes

The purpose of this study is to understand if genetic or DNA differences between women may affect how much bleeding can happen after delivery (postpartum Hemorrhage). We are also interested in learning more about how genetic differences relate to postpartum recovery and maternal health in the first year postpartum.

New mother holding baby close to chest

Another purpose of the study is to understand if a gene that helps the uterus contract is different between women who experienced a postpartum hemorrhage or those who have had normal postpartum bleeding. Genes are the units of DNA--the chemical structure carrying your genetic information--that determine many human characteristics such as the color of your eyes, your height, and whether you are male or female. If there are differences, the prevention and treatment of some types of postpartum hemorrhage may be improved. The samples provided by participants will be analyzed in the laboratory to determine whether there are differences in the genes of people with and without postpartum hemorrhage.

This study will involve one visit for a blood sample (done at the postpartum followup visit or at another convenient time/location for you) and online surveys at three times over the next 12 months.

We are also asking you to allow us to use any remaining blood sample and the health information provided for the study to be stored for future research in a repository. These samples will be stores indefinitely and may be used and disclosed in the future for research, which may include genetic research. Some studies may determine your complete DNA sequence, called whole genome sequencing. 


  • Vaginal birth in the last 10 weeks
  • Normal or heavy postpartum bleeding
  • Singleton pregnancy
  • Delivery at 37 weeks or later


$20 is provided in compensation at the visit and blood sample collection. An additional $10 is offered after the 6 month email survey is completed.

Whom do I contact for additional information?

To find out more information and to learn if you are qualified to participate, call study coordinator, Elise Erickson, on the confidential recruitment line 503-494-0563 or email ericksel@ohsu.edu.