Fertility Preservation at OHSU
OHSU is a nationwide leader in preserving fertility
OHSU Fertility Consultants is, and has always been, a leader nationwide in preserving fertility. We have along standing comprehensive program for the preservation of reproductive potential through egg, sperm,embryo and ovarian tissue cryopreservation. This is especially important for some of our patients with cancer diagnoses or for healthy women who wish to delay childbearing through elective egg freezing.
The Fertile Future Program was founded at OHSU in 2004 to help young people with cancer preserve their fertility. Based on the results of our innovative research, we are able to provide outstanding clinical care. We offer options for sperm and egg freezing, embryo banking and ovarian tissue preservation. And thanks to grant support and other partnerships, we are able to provide care at reduced rates for patients undergoing cancer treatment who have financial need.
OHSU is part of a nationwide, multi-center collaboration in research and clinical care funded by the National Institutes of Health. Research breakthroughs by Dr. David Lee and the OHSU team cleared the way for clinical work on freezing and banking of ovarian tissue. In 2004, we were proud to report the first pregnancy in the world from transplanted primate ovarian tissue. This led to national prize-winning papers for scientific innovation in fertility preservation. Our lab, directed by Dr. David Battaglia, helped with the first pregnancy in the Northwest from frozen eggs.
For more information about our fertility preservation programs, call us at 503-418-3700.