Gregory Chin

Current Program Year: Grad 3
Current student, Neuroscience Graduate Program, School of Medicine
M.D./Ph.D. Program Students, School of Medicine
Education and training
B.A., 2016, University of California, Berkeley
Fellowship: Global Poverty and Practice Minor Fellowship, 2015, UC Berkeley Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow, 2014
Research interests: Neuroscience, neurodegeneration, neuroimmunology, glial biology, microglia biology, peripheral inflammation
Clinical interests: Neurology, Neuroimmunology
Selected publications
Vainchtein ID*, Chin G*,Cho F, Kelley KW, Miller JG, Chien E, Liddelow SA, Nguyen P, Inoue H, Dorman L, Akil O, Joshita S, Barres BA, Paz JT, Molofsky AB, Molofsky AV (2018). Astrocyte-derived Interleukin-33 promotes microglial synapse engulfment and neural circuit development. Science359:1269-1273.
Kim EH*, Chin G*, Rong G, Poskanzer KE, and Clark HA (2018). Optical probes for neurobiological sensing and imaging. Accounts of Chemical Research. 10.1021/acs.accounts.7b00564
Senatorov VV*, Friedman AR*, Milikovsky DZ, Ofer J, Saar-Ashkenazy R, Charbash, A, Jahan N, Chin G, Mihaly E, Lin JM, Ramsay HJ, Moghbel A, Preininger MK, Eddings CR, Harrison HV, Veksler R, Becker A, Hart B, Rogawski MA, Dillin A, Friedman A, and Kaufer D (2019). Blood-Brain Barrier Dysfunction in Aging Induces Hyperactivation of TGFβ Signaling and Chronic yet Reversible Neural Dysfunction Science Translational Medicine DOI:10.1126/scitranslmed.aaw8283