Fee Waivers

Fee waivers are also approved for applicants who have participated in the following or similar programs:

•           Murdock Undergraduate Collaborative Research Program

•           McNair Scholars Program

•           Meyerhoff Scholars Program

•           NIH Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP)

•           OHSU Summer Equity Program

•           Annual Biomedical Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS)

•           Society for Advancement of Chicanos &Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)

•           American Indian Science and Engineering (AISES)

Waiver requests from applicants (and/or programs on the applicant's behalf) with extenuating circumstances will be reviewed.

PROCESS: The applicant or program contacts somgrad@ohsu.edu to submit a fee waiver request with the applicant name, CAS ID#, and reason before application is submitted. Graduate Studies review requests, and informs applicant and program of the decision. Once waivers are applied to an applicant account, applicant has 30 days to submit application before the waiver expires. Trailing documents like transcripts and letter of recommendation can still be accepted after the 30-day deadline, but the applicant portion must be complete and submitted in order for the waiver to cover the application fee.

Only one fee waiver can be applied to an applicant.