Research News

Dr. Selva Baltan

Congratulations to Dr. Selva Baltan who was invited by the Chair of the Department of Neurological Surgery at the University of Wisconsin – Madison to be their virtual Gilboe Lecturer for their Annual Research Day in October of this year. The Gilboe Lecture is an annual basic science talk in honor of the late David Gilboe, one of the founding basic scientists of their department who spearheaded the early development of their research efforts. Dr. Baltan’s work on cerebral ischemia and the brain’s ability to resist such ischemia and respond with mechanisms of repair are essential to many of the disorders they treat. 

Dr. Minghui Chen & Dr. Eric Schnell

Congratulations to Dr. Minghui Chen, a post-doctoral scholar working with Dr. Eric Schnell in his lab, for winning the “Best Abstract in Basic Science” award for the Society for Neuroscience in Anesthesia and Critical Care (SNACC)’s 48th Annual Meeting, to be held in September, 2020.