Member Resources
Drugs on the formulary are grouped into tier levels based on brand/generic status and specialty drug status. Drugs on a lower tier have a lower cost share than drugs on a higher tier.
To search for drugs on your plan’s formulary, select the link below:
Commercial Formulary Drug Search
To print a copy of your plan’s formulary, select the link below:
Commercial Printable Formulary
Pharmacy network
Retail pharmacy
To search for a pharmacy near you, select your plan link on the right and navigate to the Pharmacy Search tab.
Mail Order pharmacy
Regional (OR, WA, AK, CO and ID) mail order services are available through:
OHSU Creekside Pharmacy
Phone: 503-346-3370
Monday-Friday: 8am-5pm PST
National mail-order services are available for members residing in all other states through:
Birdi Pharmacy
Phone: 1-855-873-8739
Monday- Friday: 8 am-8 PM EST
Saturday- Sunday 9am- 5pm EST
Specialty pharmacy
Most specialty drugs can be filled at any retail OHSU pharmacy. There may be certain specialty drugs that an OHSU pharmacy is not able to provide. Contact 1-833-631-7991 for more information.
Frequently asked questions
Cost sharing refers to when both members and their insurance plan share the cost of their health care expenses.
Copay and coinsurance are both types of cost sharing. A copay is a flat fee that you will pay for your prescription. Coinsurance is the percent of the prescription that you will need to pay for your prescription.
A deductible is the amount that you must pay out-of-pocket for covered services before your insurance begins to pay. Max out-of-pocket is the maximum amount that you pay for covered services per plan year. After you reach your max out-of-pocket, your plan pays 100% for covered services.
Refer to your member handbook for details about your pharmacy benefits.