Incidents by Event

Hand with clipboard beside new house construction.

Oregon incidents categorized by event for years 2003-2022

Fatal incidents by event

This map shows Oregon workplace fatalities by event from 2003-2022. Users can filter by the event and/or year. Each dot on the map represents a workplace fatality that meets OR-FACE criteria. Each dot includes information on when (year) and where (zip code and county) the workplace fatality occurred, as well as the event type.

OR-FACE receives Oregon workplace fatality data from a variety of sources including: Oregon OSHA, Vital Statistics, Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, Department of Consumer and Business Services, Oregon State Police, Oregon Emergency Response System, and Google Alerts. After receiving data, OR-FACE determines if the workplace fatality meets OR-FACE criteria. Cases that meet OR-FACE criteria are included in this map, represented by a single dot. 

Note: For the most reliable fatality rate estimate for any portion of the Oregon map, all years must be selected. Fatality rates in counties with smaller populations may vary dramatically from year to year. Fatality rates are calculated by dividing the employed Oregon labor force (as reported by BLS) in a given year by the recorded occupational fatality count in that same year, and then that figure is adjusted to represent the rate per 100,000 fulltime employees. Please contact OR-FACE if you have questions about a county-level or overall fatality rate.