New Users

To become a new user of our facility:

Create an iLab Account

Click here for instructions on how to create a new iLab account. 

If you are an OHSU employee/student, you will need a funding source assigned to your account before you can book time on ALMC resources. Funding sources must be assigned by your PI or financial manager. Click here for instructions on how to assign aliases. 

If you are not an OHSU employee/student, please reach out to us via email to inquire about external access to our core services. 

Request Services or Training

Stay tuned for a new intake form for new users and new projects. In the meantime, contact us byemail . We will respond within 2 business days. 

What happens once you fill out a form? We will review your form and reach out if we have any additional questions. If it is clear which microscope(s) is best for your experiment, we will send further instructions on how to book a training or book our time for hired imaging. If we are unsure which instrument is the right choice, we will suggest entering a pilot phase where we test your samples on a few different instruments.

What happens after the pilot? Once we decide on an instrument, you will have the option to get trained for independent use as an expert operator (unlimited microscope access after several in-depth training sessions) or project-specific training with access limited to business hours. 

3. Use iLab to book instruments and workstations (once approved)

Click here for the ALMC's iLab page. Go to 'Schedule Equipment' to make a reservation on the calendar of the equipment you would like to use. Note: you will not be able to make a reservation until you reach out to request training/services. See above for more information.