Monk Lab

Senior Scientist and Principal Investigator: Kelly Monk
When thinking of cells in the nervous system, most people first consider neurons. Yet diverse non-neuronal cells called glia represent at least half of cells in the human brain. Although glia have been historically understudied compared to neurons, it is clear that proper nervous system function depends on the coordinated activity of both neurons and glia. The long-term goal of our research is to understand the genetic, cellular, and molecular mechanisms that govern glial cell biology and to dissect how neuron-glial and glial-glial interactions contribute to nervous system development and function. We are particularly interested in myelinating glia — the subset of glia in both the central and peripheral nervous systems that generate myelin.
Myelin is the multilayered membrane that insulates and protects axons in the vertebrate nervous system. Whereas myelin has been historically considered in the context of its key role in facilitating fast impulse propagation, this view is rapidly expanding, with myelin and myelinating glia also playing diverse and essential functions in nervous system development, plasticity, health, disease, and repair. However, despite its importance, the mechanisms that form, maintain, and regenerate myelin are incompletely understood. Moreover, how myelination is impacted by experience and how myelinating glia contribute to plasticity and behavior are almost completely mysterious. We use a combination of genetic and cellular approaches in zebrafish and mouse models to dissect the mechanisms that control glial cell biology and functional interactions between glia and neurons.
Current lab members
Suhail Akram
Research Assistant 2
Saul Bello Rojas
Postdoctoral Fellow
Cody Call
Postdoctoral Fellow
Hannah Collins
NGP Graduate Student
(co-mentored by Ben Emery)
Adam Coombs
NGP Graduate Student
(co-mentored by Ben Emery)
Armani Del Franco
Postdoctoral Fellow
Ryan Doan
Postdoctoral Fellow
Raja Estes
NGP Graduate Student
Raja Estes
Dongeun Heo
Postdoctoral Fellow
Jiaxing Li
Postdoctoral Fellow
Tania Miramontes
NGP Graduate Student
Tia Perry
Research Assistant 2
Melanie Piller
NGP Graduate Student
Adriana Reyes
Research Associate
Amanda Senatore
NGP Graduate Student
Contact information
Lab phone number
Lab location
Vollum Room 3427 (south)
Faculty support
Jennifer Beck
Assistant to the Director
Phone: 503-494-2805
Fax: 503-494-4590
Mailing address
Kelly Monk Lab
Vollum Institute, OHSU
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd.
Mail code L474
Portland, OR 97239-3098
Shipping address
Kelly Monk Lab
Vollum Institute, OHSU
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd.
Dock 4, Vollum Rm. 3427
Portland, OR 97239-3098