Institutional Biosafety Committee Policies and Forms
Registration and submission forms
New IBC protocols and changes to existing IBC protocols are to be submitted via the electronic Institutional Biosafety Committee system (eIBC), and may require use of one or more of these forms.
- Infectious Agent/Toxin Questionnaire (IAQ)
This form should be used for new research projects involving non-recombinant infectious agents or biological toxins.
- Recombinant DNA Research Questionnaire (RDRQ)
This form must be submitted to the eIBC for all non-exempt research involving rDNA or synthetic nucleic acid molecules.
- IBC Questionnaire for Human Subjects Studies
This form is used if the project involves administration an investigational drug to human subjects that consists of recombinant DNA (rDNA), synthetic nucleic acid molecules, or an infectious agent, as defined in the Investigational Medication Dispensed to Research Subjects.
Research accidents and spills
- IBC Research Accidents and Spills
This policy describes the responsibilities and procedures for immediate response to accident and spills of biohazardous materials.
- Incident Reporting Form for eIBC
This form is for capturing necessary information about accidents and spills of biohazardous materials.
- Research Accidents FAQ
This FAQ provides some examples of research accidents and outlines whether or not they are reportable to the IBC.
Additional policies governing IBC review:
- IBC Review Requirements for Work in Animals
- IBC Annual Renewal
- Protocol Revision
- Protocol Deviations
See full list of IBC policies
Viral vector system resources
Biosafety resources
- OHSU Biosafety Manual
Provides biosafety guidelines for those working at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), including any work that involves the handling of infectious microorganisms, human or animal tissues or body fluids, or research animals with additional detail on their disposal provided in the OHSU Biohazardous Waste Guidance.
- There are template biosafety manuals for researchers to use in developing lab specific biosafety manuals for work at BSL-2, with adenoviral vector, lentiviral vectors or at BSL-2+.
- Additional detail related to high hazard biological toxins is provided in the Fact Sheet on Biological Toxins.
- The IBC Form BSL2 Lab Checklist outlines basic requirements for Biosafety level 2 containment and practices.