The Flow Cytometry & Monoclonal Antibody Shared Resource is one of several OHSU resources supported by the Knight NCI Cancer Center Support Grant. The grant ensures that management and support services are available for the researchers and programs of the OHSU Knight Cancer Institute.
We provide state-of-the-art flow cytometry instrumentation and associated expertise to all of OHSU and the surrounding scientific community. Our instruments include four high speed cell sorters, eight benchtop flow cytometer analyzers, one CyTOF Helios mass cytometer, one Luminex 200, and one Miltenyi AutoMACS Pro cell separator.
It is also our mission to educate investigators, staff and students about flow cytometry principles and technology. The FCSR provides assistance with experiment design, cell sorting and data analysis. We also provide training to operate our cutting-edge flow cytometers. This allows investigators and their teams to run their own samples cutting experimental costs.
- Mike Munks: munksm@ohsu.edu
Flow Cytometry
- Pamela Canaday: canadayp@ohsu.edu
- Reshma Purohit: purohitr@ohsu.edu
- Christina Metea: meteac@ohsu.edu
Monoclonal Antibodies
- Yongping Zhong: zongy@ohsu.edu