Clinical Trials

OHSU Division of Arthritis and Rheumatic Diseases Clinical Research Team provides expertise in clinical research. We offer many different clinical trials throughout the year surrounding rheumatologic conditions. Most trials have a limited number of spots or time allowed to enroll patients. To learn about our clinical trials, click on the tabs below!
Our Trials
AXIS Study
AXIS-Axial Involvement in Psoriatic Arthritis Cohort
Purpose: The purpose of the study is to determine how often axial involvement (inflammation in the spine) may present as low back pain in patients with psoriatic arthritis through imaging and physical examinations to help understand and give patients accurate information about their disease.
Duration: Your participation in the study will consist of one clinic visit to see the rheumatologist, and another visit returning to the hospital for an MRI.
Criteria: Suspicion for Psoriatic Arthritis or recently diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis by a rheumatologist.
Procedures: MRI and X-ray of Full Spine. Additional Bloodwork. No Study Drug.
SAGE Study
SAGE- Sex- And Gender-based analysis of the Effectiveness of advanced therapies in Psoriatic Arthritis
Purpose: The purpose of the study is to understand how sex and gender influence responses to treatments for Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA). We hope to discover causes that explain why men and women with PsA respond differently to treatments.
Duration: Your participation in the study will consist of 2 visits over one year.
Criteria: Psoriatic Arthritis Diagnosis, Starting or switching biologic therapies
Procedures: Physical exam, questionnaires
Janssen STAR Study
Janssen STAR- A Phase 4, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of Guselkumab Administered Subcutaneously in Bio-naive Participants with Active Psoriatic Arthritis Axial Disease
Purpose: The purpose of the study is to learn more about an investigational drug to that may be helpful in treating active psoriatic arthritis. We are hoping to find out if the investigational drug, called guselkumab, is useful in reducing spinal and pelvic joint (axial) symptoms and inflammation in patients with active psoriatic arthritis disease
Duration: Your participation in the study will consist of at least 16 visits over 60 weeks. Visits will last up to 2-3 hours.
Criteria: Diagnosed Psoriatic Arthritis for at least 6 months, Never received biologic therapy for disease (Bionaive).
Procedures: MRI, Chest X-ray, ECG, Physical Exams, Questionnaires, receiving Study Drug
Study Drug: Guselkumab
nr-axSpA and AS
Non-Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis (nr-axSpA)
Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS)
There are currently no active enrolling trials.
A Real-World Comparative Effectiveness Trial of Treatment Strategies in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis with Active disease despite Methotrexate: the RA patient-reported outcomes (PRO) Pragmatic trial (RA-PROPR)
Purpose: The purpose of the study is to assess whether replacing their current TNF-biologic with a non-TNF-biologic is superior to adding a targeted synthetic DMARD (disease-modifying anti-rheumatic) medication with active RA despite current TNF-biologic treatment.
Duration: If you agree to participate, your participation in this study will be 12 months, and will include 6 study-related visits (Screening Visit, Month 2 Visit, Month 4 Visit, Month 6 Visit, Month 8 Visit, Month 12 Visit)
Galvani Study
Purpose: The purpose of the study is to learn more about, the effects, good or bad, splenic nerve stimulation may have on rheumatoid arthritis. We are hoping to find out if the use of an investigational device, splenic nerve stimulator, (which will be called the “study device”) reduces rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.
Duration: Your participation in the study will consist of around 40-50 visits over 6 years. Visits will last up to 4-5 hours for extensive visits. We may ask to follow your health through the use of follow up phone calls between visits during the study and following for up to 6 years.
Criteria: Diagnosed Rheumatoid Arthritis. Tried at least two biologic drugs in the past. Never tried baricitinib.
Procedures: If you decide to take part in this study, you will get a splenic nerve stimulation device implanted through surgery with 6 years of scheduled monitoring and visits with the investigator. You will be asked to have a number of tests and procedures; Abdominal Ultrasound at screening, Abdominal CT Angiogram at screening and Week 8, Abdominal X-ray following surgery, Blood Draws, Physical Exams, EKGs.
Study Drug: Baricitinib
A Phase 3, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study to Investigate the Efficacy and Safety of Oral Brepocitinib in Adults with Dermatomyositis
Purpose: The purpose of this clinical research study is to learn more about the use of an investigational medicine, called brepocitinib, for dermatomyositis. The study will also look at how safe and effective brepocitinib is and will monitor the long-term safety of brepocitinib when given for a period of 104 weeks.
Duration: Your participation in the study will consist of 20 visits over 116 weeks. Most visits will last up to 2 hours. Visit 3 will last up to 5 hours. We may ask to follow your health through the use of medical record review and follow up phone calls throughout the duration of the study.
There are currently no active enrolling trials
ANCA Vasculitis
Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis
There are currently no active enrolling trials
Platform Clinical Study for Conquering Scleroderma (CONQUEST Trial)
Study: NCT06195072
Purpose: The purpose of the study is to learn more about investigational drugs that may be helpful in treating scleroderma related interstitial lung disease. Currently there are two different investigational drugs or a placebo. Patients may continue usual standard of care medication for their ILD in addition to these drugs.
Duration: About one year
Criteria: Scleroderma within the first 5 years of diagnosis with interstitial lung disease
Procedures: Physical exam, questionnaires, CT chest, pulmonary function testing, receiving study drug