Grant Materials

Resource information

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AIRC facilities and major equipment (internal link)

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External links

Internal links


How to acknowledge the AIRC

  • Any project that uses AIRC resources should acknowledge the Oregon opportunity partnership for advancing biomedical research.
  • Any studies conducted at the AIRC that involve the 12T instrument should also acknowledge the W. M. Keck Foundation.
  • For studies utilizing the 3T Prisma, the recommended acknowledgement is:  "This work was supported by NIH S10OD021701 for the 3T Siemens Prisma MRI instrument, housed in OHSU’s Advanced Imaging Research Center."
  • For studies utilizing the AIRC Computing Cluster, the recommended acknowledgement is: "This work was supported by NIH S10OD018224 for the High Performance Computing Cluster, housed in OHSU’s Advanced Imaging Research Center."
  • For studies utilizing the 32-channel head coil, the recommended acknowledgement is:  "This work was supported by NIH S10OD016356 for a 32-channel radiofrequency head coil, housed in OHSU’s Advanced Imaging Research Center."
  • For studies utilizing the 11.7T equipped with the Bruker AVANCE NEO (console upgrade in March 2024), the recommended acknowledgement is: "This work was supported by NIH S10OD030459 for the 11.7T Bruker MRI Instrument, housed in OHSU's Advanced Imaging Research Center."



For more information regarding AIRC fees and suggested grant projections, see Financials