Liver Transplant Program

The OHSU Liver Transplant Program has a long history of success, providing new life to more than 1,000 patients since the program began in 1988.
OHSU provides state-of-the-art care for patients with end stage liver disease. A comprehensive inpatient service provides focused care of patients with end organ failure.
Specialty outpatient clinics provide in-depth pre- and post-transplant care. We take a multidisciplinary approach to care for our patient population, which includes an expert team that includes surgeons, hepatologists, nephrologists, nurse coordinators, pharmacists, dieticians, social workers, financial coordinators and patient service representatives.
Patient Stories
Rob Ayers

Robert Ayers barely witnessed his daughter Lauren's birth in October 2005. Just hours after bringing his wife, Jennifer, and the baby home from the hospital, Robert was hospitalized with further complications from the liver disease that has plagued him for over two years. Before his liver transplant, Rob Ayers feared he would not be alive to watch his newborn daughter Lauren grow up. Because of the generosity of his donor, exactly four months after transplant, Rob hiked to the summit of Mt. Adams with his wife Jen. Rob has been able to be a father to his daughter and celebrate the birth of his son Jonathan.
Contact Us
Clinical Transplant Services - Liver
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road, L590
Portland, OR 97239
Phone: 503-494-8500 or 800 452-1369 extension 48500
Fax: 503-494-5292
Learn More
Mark Williams

Almost seven years ago a doctor said to me, "I suspect you will need a liver transplant one day." I never thought it would be this soon – for years I felt fine. Then one day, things changed for the worse. Another doctor would confirm that my liver was failing, and we needed to focus on getting on the transplant list, soon. I will never forget that day, the day it was confirmed. I was slowly dying. There was no cure or special drug I could take, my only chance was to get my name added to the transplant list, and hope that a liver would become available. I told myself, I was going to fight with all that I have; I want to beat this.
Some months went by, and my health continued to depreciate. I had many close calls requiring many trips to the emergency room, and then one day right after what should have been an outpatient procedure, a small team of doctors would say to me, "you won't be going home" ; in fact, I was told that I would not be leaving the hospital until I received a liver. I was smart enough to know the alternative; they didn't need to tell me.
So, there I was, day after day, wondering if I would wake up tomorrow and get to see my family again. My health continued to decline, and I was becoming weaker each day. However, I always found enough strength to run to the window of my hospital room when I heard the engine of that Life Flight helicopter. I couldn't help but wonder if it was delivering a special gift for me.
Just as I thought things were bad enough, things got even worse, and I found myself being rushed to ICU; I was in big trouble. Thank God for miracle credits, I cashed in two that night. A few days later, I knew my body was finished; tired of fighting – I could feel it. I didn't enter this fight to quit; rather, I would continue to fight even though this may be one fight I would not win. Something told me it had to be decided within the week.
A few days later, I received the most important call of my life; a liver was available, and it was PERFECT for me!! After shedding several tears and confirming this wasn't just a dream, I contacted my wife to share the exciting news. Later that day an amazing team of medical professionals at OHSU would do what they do best, perform a lifesaving transplant surgery. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks; somewhere, an Angel was preparing for their journey to heaven, but before her wings would take her away she would give (gift) me a lifesaving organ and become my Hero. And, because of her, I now would get another chance, a second chance to live.
Every day, I think of my Angel Hero, Melissa Cranston Thorne, and I am happy to say that her family and mine are bonded for life. I know how blessed I am to be here today, and I will never forget. And, to the incredible staff at OHSU, and I mean every one of you, keep doing what you do best, and STAY AMAZING!!
Mark Williams
The Second-Chance Club Official Member
Our Providers
- Alexandra C. Bolognese, M.D., Ph.D.
- Transplantation and Abdominal Organ Transplantation Portland
- Accepting new patients
- Christopher R. Connelly, M.D.
- Transplantation, Abdominal Organ Transplantation and Surgery Portland
- Accepting new patients
- C. Kristian Enestvedt, M.D., FACS
- Cancer, Surgery and Transplantation Portland
- Accepting new patients
- Laura Goetzman, M.P.A.S., P.A.-C.
- Transplantation and Abdominal Organ Transplantation Portland
- Accepting new patients
- Dekey Lhewa, M.D.
- Digestive Health, Hepatology / Liver Disease and Hepatology Portland
- Accepting new patients
- Erin C. Maynard, M.D., FACS
- Cancer, Surgery and Transplantation Portland
- Accepting new patients
- Arnab Mitra, M.D., M.S.
- Hepatology / Liver Disease and Liver Transplantation Portland
- Accepting new patients
- Willscott Naugler, M.D.
- Cancer, Digestive Health and Gastroenterology
- Accepting new patients
- Meghan Sells, M.M.S., P.A.-C.
- Transplantation, Abdominal Organ Transplantation and Surgery Portland
- Accepting new patients
- Oren Shaked, M.D.
- Transplantation and Abdominal Organ Transplantation
- Accepting new patients
- Manida Wungjiranirun, M.D.
- Hepatology / Liver Disease and Hepatology Portland
- Accepting new patients
- Atif Zaman, M.D., M.P.H.
- Cancer, Digestive Health and Hepatology / Liver Disease