HARP for Doctoral Dissertation Research
The Hartford Award for Research and Practice for Doctoral Dissertation Research (Ph.D. HARP) is a small grant that supports qualified doctoral students whose dissertation focuses on improving the health and health care of older adults. It is awarded to Ph.D. students during the final stages of dissertation research in the OHSU School of Nursing Ph.D. program.
One may apply for HARP support when the faculty committee has approved the dissertation proposal. Funding begins upon the IRB approval and award notification from the Hartford Center of Gerontological Excellence (HCGE), and is expected to be spent within one year thereafter. There is a rolling deadline.
Up to $3000 will be awarded to qualified applicants. The request for applications here, Hartford Award for Research and Practice (HARP) for Doctoral Dissertation Research Proposals , explains the application process.
This fund is not to replace the scholarship mechanism, the T32/NRSA fellowships, or other academic and dissertation funding mechanisms. Rather, the purpose of this award is to assist students during a critical phase of their dissertation.
The Ph.D. HARP is administered by the Hartford Center of Gerontological Excellence. Please contact the HCGE program administrator for more information.
Ph.D. HARP to Robin Tarter

Robin Tarter, RN, B.S.N., M.S., received the Hartford Award for Research and Practice (HARP) for Ph.D. students in 2020. This grant helps support select students in the final stages of their dissertations.
Robin’s dissertation, “Unpaid Care Labor for Older Adult Parents: Gendered Agency, Constraint, and Health”, will consist of three manuscripts. The HARP will support statistical analysis of secondary data for just one manuscript, “Relationship, Choice, Health, and Typologies of Unpaid Care Labor for Older Adults."
The roles and numbers of unpaid caregivers will swell with the growing population of older adults. The care they provide is essential, as is support for them. Robin’s dissertation chair, Dena Hassouneh, Ph.D., ANP PMHNP, FAAN, wrote in support of Robin’s application, “Robin seeks to understand the complex interplay of individual, familial, cultural and structural factors in the experience of providing unpaid care labor to older adults and associated caregiver health outcomes” (D. Hassouneh, personal communication, April 14, 2020)."
Robin expressed her gratitude writing, “I have been incredibly lucky to have the wonderful mentorship of Drs. Dena Hassouneh, [Allison] Lindauer, and [Martha] Driessnack, and I want to recognize and thank them as well. It is a true honor to receive this grant and it will make a great difference in my work (R. Tarter, personal communication, April 24, 2020)."