Coleen Ju, B.S.N., RN, was our first D.N.P. student to receive a Hartford Award for Research and Practice. This financial award helps support select D.N.P. students with their final projects (NURS 703B).
Coleen’s 2023 project, "Increasing Older Driver Evaluations in Primary Care Settings", aimed to utilize the most up-to-date information on the topic to provide clinicians with evidence-based tools to properly screen older drivers and confidently intervene when driver safety is a concern.
As a final report, Coleen wrote:
"Receiving the first DNP Hartford Award for Research and Practice has been one of the most significant milestones in the course of my D.N.P. program. Beyond the evident financial advantage, it has served to affirm the significance of quality improvement as an integral endeavor for a future D.N.P.-level APRN. This award granted me the opportunity to enlist the expertise of a statistical analyst in the compilation and assessment of data pertaining to my QI project. Furthermore, the allocation of resources to express gratitude to the participating clinics has fostered a robust rapport with these establishments. Lastly, the award has facilitated the production of a well-crafted project poster, ensuring its appropriateness for future dissemination.
The recognition and prestige associated with receiving the D.N.P. Hartford Award for Research and Practice brought enhanced visibility and credibility to my final project. The acknowledgment of my work by other faculty and student peers has opened doors to potential collaborations and dissemination avenues. It has also strengthened my professional profile, establishing me as a knowledgeable and dedicated practitioner committed to advancing the field of nursing.
Ultimately, the HARP grant has bestowed upon me an unwavering sense of confidence in the significance of my work, for which I shall remain eternally grateful. (C. Ju, personal communication, June 6, 2023)."
How to apply

The Hartford Award for Research and Practice for Doctor of Nursing Practice Project Funding (D.N.P. HARP) is a small grant that supports qualified advanced practice nursing students whose final project focuses on improving the health and health care of older adults.
The purpose of the D.N.P. HARP is to support students’ clinical scholarship in the OHSU School of Nursing D.N.P. program during a critical phase of their education. It is awarded to D.N.P. students to help strengthen a project that may lead to better health outcomes for older adults. Projects that concentrate on health disparities related to aging or strategies to improve the health status of older adults in diverse or rural populations will receive special consideration.
To qualify, the D.N.P. student must be enrolled in or have completed NURS 703A “DNP Project Planning”. The student’s Project Chair must provide a letter of support with confirmation of the estimated timeline and an endorsement of the HARP financial support.
Up to $3000 will be awarded to accepted applicants. The request for applications here, Hartford Award for Research and Practice for Doctor of Nursing Practice Project Funding, outlines the application process.
The HARP is administered by the Hartford Center of Gerontological Excellence (HCGE). Please contact HCGE project administratorBeverly Bruechert for more information.