Code of Conduct

The vision of the Racial Equity and Inclusion Center (REI Center) is to empower individuals to create anti-racist environments within their workplace and beyond. We believe that inclusive environments are necessary for optimum health, wealth, and productivity; yet cultivating such an environment is oftentimes challenging. We are here to help!

We help members of our community identify and address systemic racism, white supremacy, colonialism, and other systems of oppression that are embedded within our scientific environment. In order to do this, we empower our members through anti-racist and racial equity education while working with our community to change harmful structures and policies. 

In the interest of cultivating an environment where all members of the community see themselves as agents of change, we ask all individuals participating in REI Center activities to abide by the following code of conduct. This code of conduct is rooted in our values, identifies who we are addressing, and outlines expected/unacceptable behavior and the consequences of violating the code of conduct. The REI Center code of conduct is used in addition to OHSU’s Code of Conduct. This code of conduct was written and evaluated by all members of leadership at the REI center and is based off of the community guidelines from
Learn more about OHSU’s Code of Conduct
Learn more about's Code of Conduct

Equity and inclusion

As our name suggests, equity and inclusion are our focus. We use a racial equity lens to assess the current institutional culture, determine cultural values and processes incongruent with racial equity, and develop strategic pathways for transforming cultural norms and practices to create racially inclusive environments for students, staff, and faculty.

Transparency and accountability

Transparency is the foundation on which trust grows and develops and allows for accountability. The REI Center aims to be transparent and communicate to our community about REI Center initiatives in order for the community to hold us accountable to them. Through this, we hope to build a relationship of reciprocal transparency, accountability, and trust with our community. We encourage members of our community to communicate with us about their needs and concerns in cultivating an anti-racist environment. 

Harm reduction

It is important to us that every individual can participate in a welcoming and respectful environment when communicating with each other and with the REI Center staff. Although our center discusses topics that are inherently challenging, communicating in a way that considers the wellbeing of others is paramount and expected. 

This code of conduct applies to any individual participating in REI Center activities, initiatives, or communications.

Be respectful

Treat others with respect and dignity. Be sensitive to other perspectives, values and beliefs. Take responsibility for your impact and mistakes. If someone says they have been harmed through your words or actions, listen carefully, apologize sincerely and correct the behavior going forward.

Be direct but professional

Conversations about racial equity and systemic racism are difficult. For some of us, it may be the first time speaking about these topics. As such, disagreements and varying viewpoints may occur. It is important that we create a space where people can speak truthfully and respectfully. We expect that all individuals consider the wellbeing of others and contribute constructively.

Be inclusive

Encourage all voices. Be aware of how much time is taken by dominant members of the group. Provide alternative ways to contribute or participate when possible.

Examples of unacceptable behaviors by participants include:

  • Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks;
  • Public or private discrimination, harassment, microaggression, misgendering, racism, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct and sexual assault and retaliation; (For definitions of these terms, please visit OHSU Policy 03-05-048)
  • Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic address, without explicit permission;
  • The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcomed sexual attention or advances (online or offline);
  • Repeated unwelcomed non-sexual attention or communication (unwelcomed attention may look like someone not responding or having short responses to your attention/communcation attempts)
  • Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting.

For example, respectfully contacting someone multiple times about a class project would likely not be considered harassment. However, contacting someone repeatedly about a non-related class subject may be considered unacceptable. Although this may seem innocuous to you, it may be uncomfortable for the other person. Repeated unwanted behavior may be considered harassment. Unsure if your behavior is unacceptable? If an outsider (think HR or a manager) were to observe your conduct, could it be interpreted as inappropriate or unprofessional? If there is a chance that the answer is yes, do not take part in it.

Violence and threats of violence

Violence and threats of violence are not acceptable - online or offline. This includes incitement of violence toward any individual, including encouraging a person to commit self-harm. This also includes posting or threatening to post other people’s personally identifying information (“doxxing”) online.

Personal attacks

It is not okay to insult, demean or belittle others. Attacking someone for their opinions, beliefs and ideas is not acceptable. It is important to speak directly when we disagree and when we think we need to improve, but such discussions must be conducted respectfully and professionally, remaining focused on the issue at hand.

Derogatory language and imagery

Hurtful or harmful language and imagery related to background, family status, gender, gender identity or expression, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, native language, age, ability, race and/or ethnicity, caste, national origin, socioeconomic status, religion, geographic location, and any other attributes is not acceptable. This includes deliberately referring to someone by a gender that they do not identify with, and/or questioning the legitimacy of an individual’s gender identity. If you’re unsure if a word or image is derogatory, don’t use it. This also includes repeated subtle and/or indirect discrimination; when asked to stop, stop the behavior in question.

Instances of unacceptable behavior may be reported directly by contacting REI Center leadership or directly to the Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity (AAEO). Those who violate the code of conduct will be dealt with in a manner that is deemed necessary and appropriate for the circumstances, which may include temporary or permanent removal from REI Center activities or initiatives, and/or a submitted report to AAEO.  
Contact REI Center leadership
Submit a report to Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity

LICENSE: Some content within this page was adapted with permission from PREreview using CC-BY 4.0 license. Adapted content is found within the following sections: Expected Behavior, Unacceptable Behaviors, and Violation of code of conduct.