Fellow Spotlights

Below are several one-page Spotlights featuring several of our OFDIR Fellows and Alumni Fellows. We are so proud of our Fellows and hope to continue expanding the number of Spotlights here!

Ginnifer Mastarone Fellow spotlight
Spotlight on Dr. Ginnifer Mastarone, alumni OFDIR Fellow and User Experience Researcher at AnswerLab!
Cristiane Miranda Franca OFDIR Fellow Highlight
Spotlight on Dr. Cristiane Miranda Franca, OFDIR postdoctoral researcher in the OHSU School of Dentistry!
Eugene Manley Profile
Spotlight on Dr. Eugene Manley, Jr., OFDIR alumni Fellow and Assistant Director for Corporate Alliances at the American Association for Cancer Research!
Robert Hermosillo OFDIR spotlight
Spotlight on Dr. Robert Hermosillo, OFDIR postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Behavioral Neuroscience!