Welcome to the Artificial Intelligence for Medical Systems (AIMS) Lab

Welcome to the Artificial Intelligence for Medical Systems (AIMS) Lab

We have numerous projects ongoing within the AIMS laboratory, all with a focus on researching, designing and translating novel algorithms, medical devices and systems for use by patients within natural living environments. Our interests broadly fit within the following areas:

  1. Developing new mathematical models of metabolism and other physiologic processes.
  2. Translating new models into multi-hormone (insulin, pramlintide, glucagon) drug delivery systems to help people with type 1 diabetes improve their glucose control.
  3. Utilizing decision under uncertainty theory to develop optimized AI algorithms for use in decision support, diagnostics, and other interventions.
  4. Developing new types of biosensing devices and algorithms

Banner photo (left to Right): Wade Hilts, Leah Wilson, MD, Jessica Castle, MD, Deborah Branigan, Joe Leitschuh, Gavin Young, Rahul Narayan, Brin Gabo, Joe Pinsonault, Jenny Eom, Taisa Kushner, PhD, Alejandro Espinoza, Robert Dodier, PhD, Clara Mosquera-Lopez, PhD, Peter G. Jacobs, PhD, Valentina Roquemen-Echeverri

News and events

July 2024, Peter is promoted to Professor.

July 2024, Congratulations to Valentina on passing her PhD qualifier exam!

June 2024, Clara and Peter publish new paper in Cell Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism titled 'Digital twins and artificial intelligence in metabolic disease research'.

June 2024, Orlando, FL, Peter gives oral presentation at the American Diabetes Association annual meeting titled 'Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Diabetes Devices'. Also a poster presentation titled 'Real-world evaluation of exercise consensus guidelines in adults with type 1 diabetes - new findings from the T1Dexi study'

May 2024, Clara and Peter publish new book chapter titled 'Artificial intelligence in automated hormone delivery' in new book by Klonoff, Kerr, and Espinoza titled 'Diabetes Digital Health, Telehealth, and Artificial Intelligence'.

April 2024, Rochester, NY, Peter will give grand rounds talk at Rochester University

March 2024, New paper published from the T1Dexi project by collaborator Lauren Turner titled 'Associations between daily step count classifications and continuous glucose monitoring metrics in adults with type 1 diabetes: analysis of the Type 1 Diabetes Exercise Initiative (T1DEXI) cohort'

March 2024, Gavin publishes first-author publication in JDST on article titled 'Design and in silico evaluation of an exercise decision support system using digital twin models'

March 9, 2024, Florence Italy, Peter will give oral presentation at the Advanced Technologies and Treatments in Diabetes conference titled 'Unannounced meal detection algorithms: Can we eliminate manual meal boluses? '

January 2024, New guidelines published by AIMS lab with collaborators on using 'Artificial intelligence learning for improving glycemic control in diabetes: best practices, pitfalls, and opportunities' in IEEE RBME.

January 2024, Providence RI, Peter gives grand rounds talk at Brown University

December 2023, Clara publishes first-author publication titled 'Combining uncertainty-aware predictive modeling and a bedtime Smart Snack intervention to prevent nocturnal hypoglycemia in people with type 1 diabetes on multiple daily injections' in JAMIA.

November 4, 2023, Peter gives oral presentation at the annual Diabetes Technology Meeting titled 'Consensus Guidelines for Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to Improve Glucose Management in Diabetes: Best practices, Pitfalls and Opportunities'

November 4, 2023, Clara gives oral presentation at the annual Diabetes Technology Meeting titled 'Uncertainty-aware Nocturnal Hypoglycemia Prediction in People with Type 1 Diabetes on Multiple Daily Injections'

November 2023, Taisa and Clara publish co-first author manuscript in Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders titled 'Risky movement: Assessing fall risk in people with multiple sclerosis with wearable sensors and beacon-based smart-home monitoring'

October 20, 2023, Peter invited to give talk titled 'Exercise and automated insulin delivery: lessons learned from big data sets, consensus guidelines, and AI' at the Spanish Endocrine Society Meeting in Barcelona in special session titled 'Use of Closed loop systems in diabetes in special situations'. 

September 2023, New article published by the AIMS lab in Lancet Digital Health on using wearable fitness sensors to improve glucose control during real-world exercise titled 'Integrating metabolic expenditure information from wearable fitness sensors into an AI-augmented automated insulin delivery system: a randomised clinical trial'

August 2023, Congratulations to our longtime collaborator and PI, Dr. Jessica Castle, who is leaving OHSU after many years to become the Vice President of Clinical Affairs at Dexcom.  Best of luck in your new adventure, Jessica!

August 2023, Gavin published first-author publication in American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology titled 'Quantifying insulin-mediated and noninsulin-mediated changes in glucose dynamics during resistance exercise in type 1 diabetes'

August 2023, Bergford et al. published collaborative work from the T1Dexi working group in Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics titled 'The Type 1 Diabetes and EXercise Initiative: Predicting Hypoglycemia Risk During Exercise for Participants with Type 1 Diabetes Using Repeated Measures Random Forest'

August 2023, Collaborator Elise Erickson along with the AIMS lab published in Nature NPJ Digital an article on using a smart ring to predict labor onset in article titled 'Predicting labor onset relative to the estimated date of delivery using smart ring physiological data'

July 2023, Collaborator Dreisbach et al. published article in Journal of Speech Language and Hearing research titled 'Descriptive Characterization of High-Frequency Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emission Source Components in Children'

June 23 2023, San Diego, CA, New video on our AI-enabled DailyDose app released on ADA-TV at the American Diabetes Association 83rd Annual International Conference.

June 16, 2023, Chicago IL Peter invited to present at the American Endocrine Society Annual Meeting talk titled 'Integrating artificial intelligence into automated insulin delivery,  multi-hormone delivery, and decision support'

June 2023, Welcome to Sergio Elisondo who joined the lab as a software engineer!

May 2023, Peter invited to give opening ceremony lecture at the Spanish Endocrine Society Meeting in Madrid in talk titled 'Decision Support and Closed Loop Control during Exercise,'

May 2023, Congratulations to Dr. Gavin Young who successfully defended his dissertation and will be moving on to his final two years of medical school in June.

May 2023, Clara and Peter both give presentations at the 5th Annual Artificial Pancreas Meeting in Bethesday.  

March 2023, Clara publishes first author manuscript in Computers in Medicine and Biology titled 'Modeling risk of hypoglycemia during and following physical activity in people with type 1 diabetes using explainable mixed-effects machine learning'

March 2023, Clara publishes new first author manuscript in Nature NPJ Digital titled 'Enabling fully automated insulin delivery through meal detection and size estimation using Artificial Intelligence'

February 2023, The AIMS lab was a part of the working group that released the largest open data set collection on time-matched CGM, insulin, nutrient intake, and energy expenditure (heart rate and accelerometry) as a part of the type 1 diabetes exercise initiative (T1Dexi) published now in Diabetes Care with Riddell and colleagues as 'Examining the Acute Glycemic Effects of Different Types of Structured Exercise Sessions in Type 1 Diabetes in a Real-World Setting: The Type 1 Diabetes and Exercise Initiative (T1DEXI) '

February 22-25 2023, Berlin, Germany, Advanced Technologies and Treatments for Diabetes (ATTD) Peter will present two invited oral talks titled ‘Decision support, incorporating explainability and interpretability’ and ‘Closed-loop next generation algorithms, leveraging AI and the smart home’

November 2022, We are excited to announce that the AIMS lab in collaboration with the Harold Schnitzer Diabetes Health Center at OHSU has received a $4.2M grant from the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust for the grant titled 'Development and evaluation of app-based certified diabetes education (AB-CDE) therapy for people living with T1D using MDI'

November 3 2022, virtual, 2022, 10:10 PST, Diabetes Technology Meeting, Peter chaired session on ‘Measurement of Insulin and Ketones’

November 2 2022, virtual, 2022, 14:00 PST, Diabetes Technology Meeting, Peter will host a Meet the Professors session

September 2022, We are excited to have contributed to the recent collection and publishing of the largest data set of free-living, time-matched CGM, insulin, exercise (heart rate, accelerometry), sleep, and nutrient intake from a cohort of approximately 500 people living with type 1 diabetes collected over 4 weeks per participant.  The T1-Dexi data set is now publicly available.  Funding generously provided by the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust.  

September 2022, Congratulations to Dr. Taisa Kushner, who completed her NSF Fellows fellowship and was recently hired by Galois as a principal. 

September 2022, Peter publishes commentary in Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology titled ‘Improving HbA1c levels with advanced hybrid closed-loop therapy'

August 2022, Congratulations to Dr. Castle on first author publication in Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics titled ‘Assessment of a decision support system for adults with type 1 diabetes on multiple daily insulin injections'

July 2022, congratulations to Clara on new grant from JDRF titled ‘Development of an open-source AI-based digital twin generator for replicating personalized glucose dynamics in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes’

July 2022, welcome to inaugural BE-In-AIMS summer interns, Sanchit Thakur and Clara Escorihuela Altaba’

June 2022, welcome to Dylan Jacobs who will work with Clara as a summer intern on the heart murmur detection project with spin-off company Tellunostics’

June 2022, American Diabetes Association, Collaborator, Dr. Michael Rickels gives oral presentation titled ‘Changes in glycemia during exercise differ for aerobic, interval, and resistance workouts with no impact of insulin delivery modality for adults with type 1 diabetes’

June 2022, American Diabetes Association, Collaborator, Zoey Li gives oral presentation titled ‘Increased time in range on days with structured aerobic, interval, or resistance exercise as compared with sedentary days, in adults with type 1 diabetes’

June 2022, American Diabetes Association’, Alejandro gives poster presentation titled ‘771-P: Acceptance of decision support recommendations improves time in range for people living with type 1 diabetes on multiple daily injections’

June 2022, American Diabetes Association, Gavin gives oral presentation titled ‘240-OR Quantifying glucose utilization and endogenous glucose production during resistance exercise in people with type 1 diabetes’

April 27-30, 2022, Barcelona Spain.  Peter gave an invited talk at the international conference Advanced Technologies and Treatments for Diabetes (ATTD) during the Sports and Diabetes session titled ‘Comparison of FMPD vs. MPC exercise-aware automated insulin delivery control algorithms in outpatient study’.

April 2022, welcome to new PhD student, Valentina Roquemen who will be mentored by Clara

March 2022, congratulations to Dr. Nichole Tyler on first-author publication in iScience for paper titled ‘Quantifying the impact of physical activity on future glucose trends using machine learning

January 2022, Peter and Clara receive funding from OHSU REI program for new summer internship to enable research opportunities for under-represented minorities and to identify bias in machine learning through their ‘Bias Equity and Inclusion in Artificial Intelligence and Medical Systems (BE-In-AIMS)’ internship.  Apply for next summer!

January 2022, Wilson et al. publish new commentary on the future of closed-loop in Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology titled Opportunities and challenges in closed-loop systems in type 1 diabetes

January 20, 2022: Peter gave an invited talk to the Brendan-Colson Center for Pancreatic Care from 10-11 AM PST.

November 2021, congratulations to Valentina Roquemen-Echeverri on first-author publication in IEEE BIBM 2021 Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Biomedicine and Healthcare for paper titled ‘An AI-powered tool for automatic heart sound quality assessment and segmentation.

November 11-12, 2021:  The 3rd Annual Oregon Bioengineering Symposium held virtually. Clara gave a presentation on some of the work in the AIMS lab.  There were cash prizes for best graduate student speakers, posters, and undergraduate poster presentations.  

November 4-6 2021: Diabetes Technology Meeting.  Peter co-chairs oral section on ‘Artificial Pancreas Advances’.

September 2021: Congratulations to Clara on her first NIH award as PI for her NIDDK  R21 grant titled ‘Development and Evaluation of Personalized Explainable Machine Learning Models to Predict and Prevent Nocturnal Hypoglycemia in Type 1 Diabetes’ (1R21DK128582-01A1)

September 2021: Peter gave an invited talk to the OHSU Quantitative Systems Biology meeting titled ‘Computational Diabetes; Leveraging Physiologic Models to Design Automated Drug Delivery and Decision Support Systems’

September 2021: Two new papers were published this month from our study on falls in people living with multiple sclerosis: (1) Cameron et al. published in Multiple Sclerosis Journal titled ‘Free From Falls education and exercise program for reducing falls in people with multiple sclerosis: a randomized controlled trial’, and (2) Hildebrand et al. published in Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders titled ‘Comparing fall detection methods in people with multiple sclerosis: A prospective observational cohort study' https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msard.2021.103270

September 2021: Congratulations to Rahul who won the Gold Student Award for his abstract titled ‘Predicting Postprandial Glucose Excursions with Macronutrient Content using an Interpretable Random Forest Augmented by a Digital Twin ODE Model’.  Rahul will give a podium presentation at the Diabetes Technology Meeting virtual poster presentation session on November 11 2021 between 8 AM and 1 PM.

August 2021: Clara and Pete published a new paper in JDST titled ‘Incorporating Glucose Variability into Glucose Forecasting Accuracy Assessment Using the New Glucose Variability Impact Index and the Prediction Consistency Index: An LSTM Case Example’ https://doi.org/10.1177%2F19322968211042621

August 2021: New R01 grant awarded to Leah and Peter for grant titled ‘Enabling fully automated closed loop control in type 1 diabetes through an artificial intelligence meal detection algorithm and pramlintide’ (R01DK129382)

June 2021: American Diabetes Association 2021 poster presentation by Mike Riddell and colleagues, ‘Interstitial glucose levels during exercise in persons with and without type 1 diabetes’

June 2021: Nichole presents oral podium presentation at Advanced Technologies and Treatments in Diabetes (ATTD) 2021, ‘New proposed physiology models that utilize metabolic expenditure data from activity sensors to forecast changes in glucose’

May 2021: Congratulations to Dr. Tyler on winning the OHSU paper of the year by a graduate student award for her Nature Metabolism paper titled ‘An artificial intelligence decision support system for the management of type 1 diabetes’

April 2021: Congratulations to Dr. Nichole Tyler on successfully defending her dissertation titled ‘Artificial intelligence and physiologic models for the management of type 1 diabetes’

February 17-20 2021: Peter gave invited talk at the Advanced Technologies and Treatments in Diabetes under the special session Sport and Diabetes.  Talk will be ‘Decision support and closed loop control during exercise: new findings from clinical studies and larger data sets’

December 2020: Congratulations to Thanh-Tin Nguyen for his first-author publication in American Journal of Physiology Endicrinology and Metabolism titled ‘Separating insulin-mediated and non-insulin-mediated glucose uptake during and after aerobic exercise in type 1 diabetes’.

November 12 2020: Peter will give invited talk at Diabetes Technology Meeting in Artificial Intelligence Workshop.

October 1, 2020: Welcome new PhD student, Rahul Narayan!

October 2020: New publication in Biosensors and Bioelectronics on first-in-human trials of the Pacific Diabetes Technologies glucose-sensing cannula titled ‘Measuring glucose at the site of insulin delivery with a redox-mediated sensor’.

September 2020: Congratulations Dr. Wilson on first-author publication in Diabetes Care titled “Dual-Hormone Closed-Loop System Using a Liquid Stable Glucagon Formulation Versus Insulin-Only Closed-Loop System Compared With a Predictive Low Glucose Suspend System: An Open-Label, Outpatient, Single-Center, Crossover, Randomized Controlled Trial

September 1, 2020: Congratulations Dr. Kushner on being selected as an NSF CI Fellow scholar awardee for the next 2 years of research at OHSU in the AIMS lab.

September 1, 2020: Welcome new postdoctoral scholar, Dr. Taisa Kushner!

August 2020: Good luck to Florian Guillot in medical school, thanks for all of your work and congrats on new first author publication in Biosensors titled “Accuracy of the Dexcom G6 Glucose Sensor during Aerobic, Resistance, and Interval Exercise in Adults with Type 1 Diabetes

June 2020: Nichole publishes Nature Metabolism paper titled ‘An artificial intelligence decision support system for the management of type 1 diabetes’.  Clinical study with this algorithm starting this summer!

June 2020: Nichole publishes Sensors review article on decision support in type 1 diabetes titled ‘Artificial intelligence in decision support systems for type 1 diabetes’

June 2020: Gavin presents poster at American Diabetes Association conference titled ‘Support vector regression model predicts glucose changes during exercise in type 1 diabetes’.

June 2020: Peter presents poster at American Diabetes Association conference titled ‘Effect of exercise on sleep and nocturnal glucose in type 1 diabetes’

May 2020: Clara publishes new nocturnal hypoglycemia prediction algorithm in Diabetes Technologies and Therapeutics titled ‘Predicting and preventing nocturnal hypoglycemia in type 1 diabetes using big data analytics and decision theoretic analysis’

April 2020: Taha Khan publishes IEEE Journal of Biomedical Health Informatics titled ‘Prediction of mild cognitive impairment using movement complexity’

March 2020: new book chapter published titled ‘Exercise, sleep, and type 1 diabetes”, In ‘Neurological Modulation of Sleep’

February 2020: Peter will give invited talk at Advanced Technologies and Treatments in Diabetes meeting in Madrid titled ‘Using Machine Learning to Predict Glucose Changes during Aerobic, Anaerobic and Mixed forms of Exercise in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes’

February 2020: Peter will give invited talk at Advanced Technologies and Treatments in Diabetes meeting in Madrid titled ‘Using Machine Learning to Predict Glucose Changes during Aerobic, Anaerobic and Mixed forms of Exercise in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes’

November 2019: Peter will give invited talk at Diabetes Technology Meeting in Bethesda, title ‘Optimizing glycemic outcomes through new biosensors, machine learning, and adaptive control

August 2019: Congratulations Dr. Navid Resalat on successfully defending dissertation and starting a new job at Daimler working on machine learning projects.

August 2019: Navid publishes first-author publication in Journal of Process Control titled ‘Adaptive tuning of basal and bolus insulin to reduce postprandial hypoglycemia in a hybrid artificial pancreas’

July 2019: Navid publishes first-author publication in PLOS One  on new open source virtual patient population titled: ‘A statistical virtual patient population for the glucoregulatory system in type 1 diabetes with integrated exercise model’

July 2019: Dr. Wilson publishes first-author publication in JDST titled ‘Patient input for design of a decision support smartphone application for type 1 diabetes’

July 2019: Dr. Mosquera-Lopez publishes first-author publication in Biosensors titled ‘Design and evaluation of a non-contact bed-mounted sensing device for automated in-home detection of obstructive sleep apnea: a pilot study’

July 2019: New JDRF award ‘Leveraging big data, virtual patient populations, and advanced machine learning to develop optimal personalized closed loop algorithms’: PI - Jacobs

July 2019: New R01 grant award titled ‘Improving Glycemic Management in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Using a Context-aware Automated Insulin Delivery System’: co-PIs Jacobs and Castle.

July 2019: New grant from Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust titled “Exercise in Diabetes Initiative: The Effect of Exercise on Glycemic Control in Type 1 Diabetes (T1-DEXI)”: site co-PIs: Jacobs and Castle

June 2019: Nichole presents poster at ADA in San Francisco titled ‘Improving glycemic outcomes in T1D using an automated decision support recommender system: evaluation in silico and compared with physician recommendations’

June 2019: Andrew Nguyen presents poster at ADA in San Francisco titled ‘Quantifying Insulin-Mediated and Noninsulin Mediated Glucose Disposal during Exercise in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes’

June 2019: Dr. Leah Wilson presents moderated poster at ADA in San Francisco titled ‘Results of Interim Analysis of a Randomized Crossover Study in Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) of a Dual-Hormone Closed-Loop System with Xerisol™ Glucagon vs. Insulin-Only Closed-Loop System vs. a Predictive Low Glucose Suspend System’

May 2019: Congratulations to Rohan who won 2nd place in the Intel International Science Fair for his project titled, A novel optical diagnostic method for non-invasive detection of blood glucose using reverse iontophoresis modulation and personalized neural networks.

March 2019: Peter gives invited talk at Cambridge Digital Health conference in San Francisco, title ‘Integrating wearable sensors and AI into automated drug delivery and decision support systems for people with type 1 diabetes’

February 2019: Peter, Jessica and Clara give podium presentations at ATTD in Berlin

January 2019: Ravi publishes first-author publication in JDST titled ‘Prediction of Hypoglycemia During Aerobic Exercise in Adults With Type 1 Diabetes’

October 2018: Castle et al. publication in Diabetes Care, 'Randomized outpatient trial of single- and dual-hormone closed-loop systems that adapt to exercise using wearable sensors'. 

September 2018: Jacobs and Castle awarded new R01 grant titled 'Improving glucose control with advanced technology designed for high risk patients with type 1 diabetes'. This will be the group's first multi-center clinical trial evaluating our latest artificial pancreas and decision support technologies.   

September 2018: Congratulations Dr. Ravi Reddy on successfully defending dissertation and starting a new job at Biotronik.

August 2018: Ravi publishes first author manuscript in Canadian Journal of Diabetes –'Effect of aerobic exercise on glycemic control in adults with type 1 diabetes'.

August 2018: Ravi publishes first author manuscript in Journal of Medical Internet Research, 'Accuracy of wrist-worn activity monitors during daily physical activities and types of structured exercise'.

July 2018: Dr. Mosquera-Lopez publishes two conference papers and gives podium presentation at IEEE EMBC in Honolulu, HI for papers 'In-home sleep apnea severity classification using contact-free load cells and an AdaBoosted decision tree algorithm', and 'Design and evaluation of a portable smart-phone based peripheral neuropathy test platform'.

June 2018: Peter chairs American Diabetes Association invited session, Artificial Pancreas and Decision Support Approaches.

June 2018: Dr. Castle podium presentation at the American Diabetes Association, Advanced Treatments for Type 1 Diabetes – Adapting to Meals and Exercise.

June 2018: Nichole presents poster at American Diabetes Association, 'Predicting Exercise-Related Changes in Glucose in People with Type 1 Diabetes Using Linear Models and Incorporating Knowledge of Prior Exercise.

June 2018: Dr. Wilson presents poster at American Diabetes Association, 'Patient input for design of a type 1 diabetes (T1D) decision support smartphone application'.

May 2018: Dr. Robert Dodier joins the lab!

October 2017: S. Oganessian joins the lab!

November 2017: Dr. Clara Mosquera-Lopez joins the lab!

August 2017: New award to Castle and Jacobs from Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and Helmsley Charitable Trust to develop iPancreas platform.

July 2017: Ravi publishes as first-author in Diabetes Obesity and Metabolism (IF 6.7), "The impact of exercise on sleep in adults with type 1 diabetes"

July 2017: Navid's invited podium presentation and paper at IFAC 2017 in Toulouse, "Evaluation of model complexity in model predictive control within an exercise-enabled artificial pancreas"

July 2017: Nichole Tyler, MD/PhD student joins the lab.

June 2017: Collaborator Kerri Winters-Stone publishes in Journal of Clinical Oncology (IF 24), Falls, functioning and disability among women with persistent symptoms of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy 

June 2017: Podium presentation at ADA 2017 in San Diego –"Single and dual hormone closed-loop glucose control with automated exercise detection to prevent hypoglycemia in type 1 diabetes".  

June 2017: Ravi presents 3 posters at ADA 2017 in San Diego (1) Prediction of hypoglycemia during aerobic exercise in individuals with type 1 diabetes using decision trees, (2) The impact of exercise on sleep in adults with type 1 diabetes, and (3) Impact of sleep duration on glycemic control in type 1 diabetes.

May 2017: New award to Castle and Jacobs from the Helmsley Charitable Trust to develop MDI decision support smart phone app.

April 2017: New 4-year RO1 awarded for El Youssef and Jacobs to do exercise physiology study and exercise-enabled artificial pancreas integration.

August 2016: Invited podium presentation and poster presentation at 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Orlandoa.      Mahesh presents paper "Context-Aware Fall Detection Using Inertial Sensors and Time-Of-Flight Transceivers"b.     Navid presents paper "Design of a Dual-Hormone Model Predictive Control for Artificial Pancreas with Exercise Model"

June 2016: Two poster presentations at American Diabetes Association, New Orleans, LAa.      Prediction of Change in Glucose During and After Moderate Exercise in People with Type 1 Diabetesb.     Faster Insulin Kinetics Improves Artificial Pancreas Controller Performance during In-Silico Simulation

June 2016: Congratulations to Ravi for his Nicholas L. Tartar Research Fellowship Award

June 2016: Congratulations to Navid for passing PhD qualifier exam

June 2016: Diabetes Obesity and Metabolism publication, "Randomized trial of a dual-hormone artificial pancreas with dosing adjustment during exercise compared with no adjustment and sensor-augmented pump therapy"

February 2016: Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology publication, "Nonadjunctive Use of Continuous Glucose Monitoring for Diabetes Treatment Decisions"

May 2016: 2017 Catalyst Award received, "iPancreas: Internet based on-demand artificial pancreas app-generator to accelerate clinical trials research"

May 2016: IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, "A Smart-Home System to Unobtrusively and Continuously Assess Loneliness in Older Adults"

October 2015: Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology accepted for publication: An Exercise Detection, Grading, And Hormone Dosing Algorithm Into The Artificial Pancreas Using Accelerometry And Heart Rate. (Navid’s first publication in the lab.)

October 2015: Two poster presentations at Diabetes Technology Meeting in Bethesda, MD

a.     Incorporating An Exercise Detection, Grading, And Hormone Dosing Algorithm Into The Artificial Pancreas Using Accelerometry And Heart Rate.

b.     Use Of A Bi-Hormonal Artificial Pancreas System With Exercise Announcement In Type 1 Diabetes To Prevent Hypoglycemia 

September 2015: Jacobs presents at the 5th International Symposium on Gait and Balance in Multiple Sclerosis : High tech – Automatic fall detection and in home monitoring

September 2015: Diabetes Care publication: “Effect of Repeated Glucagon Doses on Hepatic Glycogen in Type 1 Diabetes: Implications for a Bi-Hormonal Closed-loop System".  (Ravi’s first publication in the lab)

August 2015: Two podium presentations at the 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society in MiCo, Milano Conference Center, Milano, Italy.

a.     Multi-Resident Identification using Device-free IR and RF Fingerprinting.

b.     A Time-Frequency Respiration Tracking System using Non-Contact Bed Sensors with Harmonic Artifact Rejection

June 2015: Poster presentation at the 75th scientific session, American Diabetes Association

December 2014: Navid presents at Diabetes Technology Meeting, Peter presents at GSA

September 2014: "MobileRF—a robust device-free tracking system based on a hybrid neural network HMM classifier" wins a best paper nomination at the ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing in Seattle.

August 2014: Taha joins the lab

August 2014: podium presentation at IEEE EMBC, "Measuring in-home walking speed using wall-mounted RF transceiver arrays"

August 2014: Ravi joins the lab

June 2014: podium and poster presentations at ADA

April 2014: Navid joins the lab

March 2014: John joins the lab

February 2013: Arun presents at ARO

November 2013: Nick joins the lab

July 2013: Arun joins the lab