Faculty Awards and Publications
Recent awards and publications
- Dr. Jacob Luty was awarded the "OHSU Performance Excellence Award" in the category of 'Academics' for his outstanding project entitled: "Use of Lean Lean Leadership Principles to Co-Produce a Simulation-Based, Integrated Performance Improvement Curriculum for Physician Trainees at OHSU.
- Dr. Patricio Riquelme was recently nominated for a ROSE Award. The nomination requested that OHSU “recognize Dr. Riquelme for his passion for assisting patients in their recovery” and we think this is a well-deserved acknowledgment!
- Dr. Avi O'Glasser was awarded the School of Medicine Clinical Leadership Grant and will apply it to nurturing and growing her leadership skills!
- Division head, Dr. Stephanie Halvorson, recently published in the Journal of the AAMC, "Transitioning from Volume to Value: Lessons Learned From the Dissolution of Population Health Partnership."
- Dr. Zachory Jacobs discuses the practice of 'Narrative Medicine' while working in Global Health in his recently published, "Reflective Practices Among Global Health Fellows in the HEAL Initiative: a Qualitative Study?"
- Dr. Renee Dversdal highlights the importance of POCUS training in "Point-of-Care Ultrasound for Hospitalists: A Position Statement of the Society of Hospital Medicine."

May 2019

May 2019

Jacobs, Z. Hypertensive Crises Nearly Four Decades Later: Evidence-based Practice in Severe Asymptomatic Hypertension and A Need for Cultural Change. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 2023 Mar 25.
Englander H, Collins D, Perry SP, Rabinowitz M, Phoutrides E, Nicolaidis C. "We've Learned It's a Medical Illness, Not a Moral Choice": Qualitative Study of the Effects of a Multicomponent Addiction Intervention on Hospital Providers' Attitudes and Experiences. J Hosp Med. 2018 Apr 25.
Englander H, Wilson T, Collins D, Phoutrides E, Weimer M, Korthuis PT, Calcagni J, Nicolaidis C. Lessons learned from the implementation of a medically enhanced residential treatment (MERT) model integrating intravenous antibiotics and residential addiction treatment. Subst Abus. 2018 Mar 29:1-25.
Bordley J, Agustin A, Ahmed M, Khalid R, Paluso A, Kobza B, Spaugy A, Emens J, Desai S, Khan A. Restoration of Resident Sleep and Wellness with Block Scheduling. Medical Education 2017 (accepted, date pending).
Englander H, Weimer M, Solotaroff R, Nicolaidis C, Chan B, Velez C, Noice A, Hartnett T, Blackburn E, Barnes P, Korthuis PT. Planning and Designing the Improving Addiction Care Team (IMPACT) for Hospitalized Adults with Substance Use Disorder. J Hosp Med. 2017 May;12(5):339-342.
Halvorson SAC, Tanski ME, Yackel TR. Transitioning from Volume to Value: One Academic Medical Center's Approach to
Population Health. Acad Med. 2017 May ;92(5):666-670.
O'Glasser AY, Taylor CC, Hunter AJ. Beyond the Algorithm: Implementation of a Hospitalist-led Pre-operative Clinic Assessment Before Cardiac Surgery. Perioperative Care and Operating Room Management 8(2017):1-4.
Thompson RE, Pfeifer K, Grant PJ, Taylor C, Slawski B, Whinney C, Wellikson L, Jaffer AK. Hospital Medicine and Perioperative Care: A Framework for High-quality, High-value Collaborative Care. J Hosp Med. 2017 April;12(4):277-282.
Velez CM, Nicolaidis C, Korthuis PT, Englander H. "It's been an Experience, a Life Learning Experience"; A Qualitative Study of Hospitalized Patients with Substance Use Disorder. J Gen Intern Med. 2017 Mar;32(3):221-30.
Clay RD, Lee EC, Kurtzman MF, Dversdal RK. Teaching the Intern to See: Effectiveness of a 1-day Workshop in Bedside
Ultrasound for Internal Medicine Residents. Crit Ultrasound J. 2016 Dec;8(1):11.
Halvorson S, Wheeler B, Willis M, Watters J, Eastman J, O'Donnell R, Merkel M. A Multidisciplinary Initiative to Standardize Intensive Care to Acute Care Transitions. Int J Qual Health Care. 2016 Oct;28(5):615-625.
March CA, Scholl G, Dversdal RK, Richards M, Wilson LM, Mohan V, Gold JA. Use of Electonic Health Record Simulation to Understand the Accuracy of Intern Progress Notes. J Grad Med Educ. 2016 May;8(2):237-40.
Englander H, Michaels L, Chan B, Kansagara D. The Care Transitions Innovation (C-TraIn) for Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Adults: Results of a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. J Gen Intern Med. 2014;29(11):1460-7.
Chan B, Englander H, Kent K, Desai S, Obley A, Kansagara D. Transitioning Toward Competency: A Resident-Faculty Collaborative Approach to Developing a Transitions of Care EPA in an Internal Medicine Residency Program. JGME 2014; Vol 6 (4):760-764.
National ACP:
- Dr. Renee Dversdal (ultrasound pre-course and other lectures)
- Dr. Avital O'Glasser
- Dr. Peter Sullivan (physical examination)
Society for General Internal Medicine (SGIM):
- Dr. James Clements
- Dr. Angela Alday
- Dr. Ani Chintalapani
Academic Internal Medicine Week (APDIM/AAIM):
- Dr. Sima Desai
- Dr. Avital O'Glasser
- Dr. Kevin Piro
Hospital Medicine (SHM):
- Dr. Renee Dversdal (ultrasound pre-course and other lectures)
- Dr. Cornelia Taylor (peri-operative medicine)
NW Hospital Medicine:
- 2017: Drs. James Clements, Cornelia Taylor, Honora Englander, Joel Papak, Amarprit Bains, Joe Chiovaro, Shuna Hunsaker
- 2016: Drs. Renee Dversdal, James Clements, David Harmon, Avital O'Glasser
Point-of-care Ultrasound for Internal Medicine:
- Dr. Renee Dversdal
- Dr. Kevin Piro
Piro K, Schutzer C, Erickson C, Dversdal R. A Practical Roadmap to Create an Internal Medicine Ultrasound Fellowship. OHSU Symposium on Education Excellence, April 2017. (2nd place for education innovation poster)
Lahti E, Dreissnack M. Building a Core Group of Interprofessional Faculty: Narrative Medicine. Presented at OHSU Symposium for Education Excellence. April 2017. (3rd place for education innovation poster)
O'Glasser AY, Desai SS, Cooney TG. Healthcare Social Media(#hcsm): One Residency Program's Experience Using Twitter. Poster presented at Northwest Regional SGIM Meeting. Portland, OR. February 2017.
Halvorson S, Finn K, Hasan S. "Hitting your Milestones? Educational theory vs practical reality." Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine Skills Development Conference Workshop, National Meeting, October 20, 2016, National Harbor, MD.
Halvorson S, Karlapudi S, Wheeler B, Rowland R, Graven P, Yackel T. "Understanding value from the C-Suite to the bedside: One institution's development of an Inpatient Provider Value Dashboard." Society of General Internal Medicine, National Meeting. May 12, 2016, Hollywood, FL.
O'Glasser AY, Harmon D, Axley MS, Kahl EA. "Cervical Stenosis before Cardiac Surgery." Poster presented at the Perioperative Medicine Summit, Scottsdale, AZ, 2/2016.
O'Glasser AY, Taylor C. "Beyond the Algorithm: Hospitalist-led Pre-operative Medicine Evaluation before Cardiac Surgery". Poster presented at the Perioperative Medicine Summit, Scottsdale, AZ, 2/2016.
O'Glasser AY, Taylor C. "Developing a Pre-Operative Medicine Curriculum for Internal Medicine Residents". Poster presented at the Perioperative Medicine Summit, Scottsdale, AZ, 2/2016.
Hasan S, Finn K, Halvorson S. "Reporting milestones opportunities: feedback from the field." Marvin R. Dunn Poster Reception at the 2016 ACGME Annual Education Conference, February 25 - February 28 2016, at the Gaylord Resort and Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland.
Hasan S, Finn K, Halvorson S. "Reporting milestones opportunities: feedback from the field." Association of Program Directors in Internal Medicine, National Meeting, April 19-20, Las Vegas, NV.
Halvorson S, Dowhaniuk D, Desai S. Divide and conquer: One residency program’s approach to efficient clinical competency committee review. Association of Program Directors in Internal Medicine, National Meeting, October 10, 2015, Atlanta, GA. Awarded, “Best Innovation.”
OHSU Department of Medicine Grand Rounds:
- Drs. James Clements, Angela Alday, and Ani Chintalapani delivered their SGIM talk at OHSU Grand Rounds: ""Taming the pager: Systems of care matter for clinician well-being" May 2018.
- Dr. Alan Hunter. "I Swear by Apollo the Healer, by Asclepius...Revisiting the USPHS Tuskegee Syphilis
Trial." September 2017. - Dr. Shadi Dowlatshahi. "Can We Hear Some New Voices?" June 2017.
- Dr. Avital O'Glasser & others. "Celebrating Achievements in Resident Scholarship." March 2017.
- Dr. Joel Papak. "Update in Hospital Medicine 2016 + How to Keep Up with the Medical Literature." October 2016.
- Drs. Honora Englander & Melissa Weimer. "The Improving Addiction Care Team (IMPACT): Year 1 Experience and Lessons Learned." August 2016.
- Dr. Avital O'Glasser & others. "Celebrating Achievements in Resident Scholarship." March 2016.
- Panel discussion including Dr. James Clements. "Interprofessional Ethics Rounds: How Do We Help a Patient who Won't Help Himself?" November 2015.
- Drs. Shona Hunsaker & Matt DiVeronica. "Our Pathway to Excellence: Internal Medicine Residency's Focus on Improvement
Science." August 2015. - Drs. Honora Englander & Penelope Barnes. "Bugs, Drugs, and PICC Lines: A Primer on OPAT and the New Addiction Services." August 2015.
- Dr. Avital O'Glasser. "Preoperative Medicine on the Forefront: Updates and Emerging Technologies." August 2015.
- Dr. Avital O'Glasser & others. "Achievements in Resident Scholarship: Celebrating our ACP Winners." March 2015.
Other OHSU CME Talks:
- Dr. Honora Englander. "OHSU's Improving Addiction Care Team (IMPACT): Treating Addiction in the Hospital." October 2017. Presented at Department of Surgery Grand Rounds.
- Dr. David Harmon. "General Medicine Rounds Standard Work". February 2017. Delivered as part of OHSU Performance Excellence Week (begins at about 27 minutes).
OHSU Internal Medicine Residency Program:
- 2020 Department of Medicine Award Recipients: Drs. David Harmon, Andre Mansoor, Alan Hunter, Rebecca Harrison, Patty Ritze, Honora Englander, Jacob Luty, Kevin Piro.
- 2018 Chief Resident Awards: Drs. Avital O'Glasser, Shadi Dowlatshahi, Dave Harmon, and Patricio Riquelme
- 2017 Junior Faculty Teaching Awards: Drs. James Clements, David Harmon, André Mansoor, Kyle Kent, Amarprit Bains, & Joe Chiovaro
- 2017 Senior Faculty Teaching Awards: Dr. Alan Hunter
- 2017 Marion L. Krippaehne Humanism Award: Drs. Patty Ritze, Kyle Kent, & James Clements
- 2017 Chief Residents Awards: Drs. Kyle Kent & Joel Papak
- 2016 Junior Faculty Teaching Awards: Drs. Stephanie Halvorson, Kyle Kent, & Joe Chiovaro
- 2016 Marion L. Krippaehne Humanism Award: Drs. Honora Englander & Joe Chiovaro
- 2016 Career Teaching Award: Dr. Stephanie Halvorson
- 2015 Faculty Teaching Awards: Drs. Joe Chiovaro, André Mansoor, Sima Desai, & Alan Hunter
- 2015 Marion L. Krippaehne Humanism Award: Drs. Elizabeth Lahti & Sima Desai
OHSU School of Medicine:
- 2018 Professional Staff Awards: Dr. Stephanie Halvorson
- 2018 Teaching Awards: Dr. Peter Sullivan, Outstanding Thread Director, Excellence in Education Award, Alan J. Hill Award, Faculty Mentor Award
- 2018 Leonard Tow Humanism Award: Dr. Elizabeth Lahti
- 2017 Gold Humanism Honor Society Inductee: Dr. Elizabeth Lahti
- 2017 Professional Staff Awards: Dr. Jacob Luty, Award for Clinical Quality and Systems-based Care
- 2017 Teaching Awards: Dr. Peter Sullivan, Outstanding Thread Director and Excellence in Education Award
- 2017 Leonard Tow Humanism Award: Dr. Sima Desai
- 2017 Gold Humanism Honor Society Inductee: Dr. Kyle Kent
- 2016 Leonard Tow Humanism Award: Dr. Rebecca Harrison
- 2016 J. David Bristow Award: Dr. Sima Desai
- 2016 Teaching Awards: Dr. Peter Sullivan, Outstanding Thread Director and Excellence in Education Award
- 2016 AOA: Dr. Targol Saedi
- 2016 Gold Humanism Honor Society Inductee: Dr. Honora Englander
- 2015 Leonard Tow Humanism Award: Dr. Honora Englander
Oregon ACP:
- 2017 Early Career Physician Award: Dr. Renee Dversdal
- 2017 HP Lewis Distinguished Teaching Award: Dr. Peter Sullivan
- 2016 Early Career Physicians Award: Drs. Stephanie Halvorson & Avital O'Glasser
- 2015 Early Career Physicians Award: Dr. André Mansoor
- 2015 Laureate Award: Dr. Sima Desai
- 2015 Early Career Physicians Award: Dr. Honora Englander
National ACP:
- 2017 FACP: Dr. Targol Saedi, Dr. Joel Papak, Dr. Peter Sullivan
- 2016 FACP: Dr. Renee Dversdal
- 2014 FACP: Dr. Avital O'Glasser
Northwest Regional SGIM:
- 2017 Advocacy Award: Dr. Honora Englander
- 2017 Leadership Award: Dr. Avital O'Glasser
Additional Honors:
- 2018 AMWA Exceptional Mentorship Award: Dr. Sarah Schwanke Khilji
- 2017 Virginia Sznewajs palliative care award: Dr. Patricio Riquelme
- 2017 AMWA Exceptional Mentorship Award: Dr. Elizabeth Lahti (read more about Dr. Lahti's recognition Read more about Dr. Lahti's recognition
- 2015 Portland Business Journal Forty Under 40: Dr. Honora Englander
- 2012 ACP Top Hospitalists: Dr. Honora Englander Read more about Dr. Endlander's recognition