Stress Management and Resiliency Training - Relaxation Response Resiliency Program (SMART-3RP)

This group course focuses on helping participants develop a broad array of self-care habits that contribute to overall happiness and well-being. Participants can expect to develop an understanding of the biologic stress response, techniques to promote relaxation response (self-care, mindfulness, meditation, etc.) and positive adaptive strategies.

Life can be stressful, and that is why we are here to help.

Stressors are present in clinical medicine, research careers, and in teaching. Stress management skills are frequently not taught during professional training. This presents a valuable opportunity to enrich our lives at work and home by teaching this skillset.

Thankfully, OHSU is actively involved in improvement, and it is evident in the OHSU 2025 campaign. We all experience lives that can be demanding, so we believe that improving work environment is a key component of approaching work place stress. In addition to improving work environments, learning stress management and resilience training offers an important opportunity to help us each manage the inevitable stressors that life brings.


The program is built around 3 key concepts

  1. Understanding the biologic principles of the stress response
  2. Learning the relaxation response
    1. mindfulness based meditation
    2. mind body connection activities (yoga, tai chi, etc)
  3. Increasing resiliency
    1. Developing stress awareness
    2. Learning adaptive strategies grounded in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
      1. Positive reappraisal
      2. Social connectedness

SMART-3RP was developed at Massachusetts General Hospital’s Benson-Henry Institute as a result of over 40 years of research and practice in Mind-Body medicine.

Does SMART-3RP work?

SMART-3RP training has been studied in a small group of physicians at Harvard along with other studies in patient populations. The training showed before and after improvements in burnout scores and perceived stress scales. 

“The “tasting menu” approach to stress management techniques worked well and allowed experiences in multiple practices. I especially loved when you shared from your own personal experiences what practices have helped you.”

“This was great! I think most people in my department should do this.”

“I deeply appreciate the time you have taken to give us these tools to manage stress. I have and will use these techniques, and I am using the workbook, which is a nice resource. ”

- Prior OHSU faculty participants

Paired Facilitators:

Abigail Lenhart MD (Internal Medicine, GIM) and James Clements MD (Internal Medicine, DHM)

Anne Gross MD (Psychiatry) and Kimberly Hutchison MD (Neurology)

Disclaimer: The program is meant as a complementary resource to the Resident and Faculty Wellness Program and is not a substitute for individual counseling.

Interested in a future session?

Sign up here to be notified when the next session is announced.


Open to all Faculty, with priority given to SoM faculty.

Filled on first come first served basis.

Sessions are led by OHSU physician faculty members who are trained and certified in the instruction of this program.

This activity has been approved for AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM.
MOC II Available. 

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By completing SMART 3RP, participants may earn Spark points towards the quarterly raffle.

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