Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinics
Welcome to the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic. Our faculty, trainees and staff are committed to providing the best treatment for your child. We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to find out more about our clinical services. In addition, we hope to answer any questions you might have regarding the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinic. Please Contact the Clinic, Phone 503-418-5775 Fax 503-418-5774 Referring Physicians Form
The Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinic can be reached M-F 8:00am-5:00pm.
phone 503-418-5775
fax 503-418-5774
About us
The OHSU Pediatric Psychosis Clinic (PPC) located at Doernbecher Children’s Hospital, provides consultation for young people (ages 4-18) and families who are at risk for psychosis or are experiencing challenges with psychotic symptoms. We offer consultation visits and provide feedback to empower young people, their families, and support treatment team members.
Our services
PPC supports young people and families focusing on their unique histories, strengths and hopes for the future. Taking a developmentally informed approach, we strive to offer clear diagnosis, recommendations about evidence-based treatments, and education about the nature of psychosis that will empower individuals and families to achieve their goals. We see child onset schizophrenia, early onset schizophrenia and first episode psychosis
Where appropriate, we provide perspectives on diagnosis, additional assessments including neuroimaging or lab work, treatment blueprinting with a focus on evidence based psychotherapies and medication adjustment strategies, on-going assessment tools, and offer educational materials.
For Patients
We invite individuals/families to complete three follow-up visits at 6, 12, and 18 months after their initial consultation; at present these visits conducted via secure, telehealth connections.
Once your appointment is scheduled:
- Complete the CAP Intake Questionnaire which requests historical information and questions you may have.
- Ask your treating licensed medical provider (Pediatrician, psychiatrist/nurse practitioner/other) to send us a summary of your care to this point and questions that they may have.
Please make sure we have any previous medical records which may include:
- MRI, EEG or any other brain scan reports
- Recent lab work or blood work results.
- Ask your psychotherapist to send us a summary of your care to this point and questions that they may have.
- If you/the young person you are supporting has received treatment inpatient or residential treatment outside of the OHSU/Legacy/Providence systems (Care Everywhere networked hospitals), please request that those records are sent to us.
- If you or the young person you are supporting has an individualized education plan, please bring a copy of this to the consultation appointment.
- if you or the young person you are supporting has had neuropsychological testing, please request that the report is sent to us.

Meet Paria Zarrinnegar, M.D., Outpatient Clinic Director