Case Log and Clinical Services

Case Log
At Dotter Institute / OHSU, we provide training for a wide breadth of cases including but not limited to:
- Peripheral arterial disease
- Aortic interventions
- Hepatobiliary interventions
- Interventional Oncology (including a vibrant Y90 program)
- Venous disease (central and superficial)
- Lymphatic dysfunction
- Dialysis access/fistula/graft work
- Nephrology / urology services
- Reproductive / GU interventions / GYN interventions
- Noninvasive imaging (CT and MR angiography)
Outpatient Services
At the Dotter Institute, we strive to train interventional radiology clinicians rather than proceduralists. During the outpatient rotation, our trainees rotate through a dedicated IR clinic that runs five days and is led by our enthusiastic teaching faculty. Additionally, trainees have the opportunity to attend our many multidisciplinary tumor boards. Furthermore, this rotation offers procedural time in our outpatient waterfront facility to expose trainees to a private practice model in IR.
Diagnostic Radiology
For more information regarding the DR component of training through the integrated and ESIR pathways, visit the Diagnostic Radiology residency webpage.
Vascular Surgery, NeuroIR, and Elective Rotation
In the final year of training, our residents can complete rotations in vascular surgery, neurointerventional radiology, and electives of their choice to better tailor their experience for their future careers.