DEIB Committees

Anti-Racism Committee
The committee was created to help identify, prioritize and advise on anti-racism initiatives at OHSU.
Diversity Advisory Council
Comprised of staff, faculty and student representatives from all mission areas, the Diversity Advisory Council advises OHSU's president and leadership team on ways to enhance diversity, cultural competency and opportunity throughout the institution.
Physical Access Committee
OHSU's Physical Access Committee works to identify barriers that prevent individuals with a disability from using campus facilities for instruction, academic support, assembly, employment and health services. The committee advises OHSU's administration on access needs and priorities to meet those needs.
Women in Academic Medicine
The Women in Academic Medicine Committee was established as a standing committee of the School of Medicine in 1993. Its goal is to address issues of concern to women faculty, including career advancement, career satisfaction, participation by women on decision-making bodies at OHSU, pay equity, discrimination, parenting and schedule flexibility.