Research Administration Partner Pod (RAPP)
OHSU Research and Innovation launched the Research Administration Partner Pod, or RAPP, in 2019. The original intent was to provide pre- and post-award support services to groups that did not have their own support within their own units.
Prior to launch, robust processes and protocols were developed, along with a Service Level Understanding (SLU) to ensure the highest level of professional support.
The RAPP team has now grown and incorporated seasoned staff from other units to provide unit-level research administration support to departments, cores, centers, institutes and schools across OHSU. Its faculty-centric approach enables scientists to focus time and energy on research, while trained experts manage the administrative components of the pre- and post-award process. The team works closely with the Office of Proposal Award Management (OPAM), OHSU Research Integrity (ORIO), and other central groups, to streamline processes and communication. RAPP is not an official business approver.
RAPP supports faculty throughout the research life cycle, here are some examples:
• Proposal preparation and submission to OPAM (administrative components, including budget)
• Preparing crucial budget documents like biosketch and other support
• Managing just-in-time requests and other award setup related components to aid faculty in getting their awards set up as quickly as possible
• Monitoring and communicating with home departments on tasks related to: either research labor distribution for sponsored research accounts or research-related data for annual budgeting purposes
• Monthly budget monitoring and review with the PI to ensure the grant finances are on track
• Managing award activity for the researcher (e.g., effort reporting, cost transfers, outgoing subcontracts, and closing out the award)
• Assisting in creating/maintaining interest profiles for researchers to aid in identifying proposal opportunities
• Purchasing approvals related to research projects
• Communication with home orgs or foundation staff to ensure effort, LD and accounts are not overlapping with research funded activity/effort
View our Organizational Chart & Service Level Understanding
• Budget development related to industry-sponsored clinical trials
• Coverage analysis for clinical trials
• Billing-related to industry-sponsored clinical trials
• Budget/Balance monitoring of non-Research accounts (e.g., foundation accounts, discretionary funds, program development accounts)
• HR activities (e.g., managing labor allocations, hiring, onboarding)
• Labor distribution (actual LD manipulation in Oracle or effort reporting signing)
• Setup an OGA Account
• Official OHSU authorized official approval, final award financial reporting and closeout
• Contract execution
• Distribute Labor and Certify Effort

Jen Prissel
Director, Research Administration
Shared Services

Dillon Mosnot
Pre-award Administrator

Alisa Mukai
Pre-award Administrator
Marietta Rodriguez
Post-award Administrator

Lynne Rowell
Post-award Administrator

Raj Shah
Pre-award Administrator