RBC Subgroup

Orderable EAP code:


Billable EAP Codes:

80002428 x 1

CPT Codes:

86905 x 1

Lab Section:

Laboratory of Immunogenetics and Transplantation (LIT)

Turnaround Time:

Routine: 7 Days
Urgent: 2 Days

Test Schedule:

Monday through Friday from 7:30 am to 5:00 pm.

Specimen Requirements:

5 mL blood in a RED top tube. Refrigerated and Room temperature specimens are stable for up to 7 days.

Pediatric Specimen Requirements:

1 mL blood in a 4 mL RED top tube. Refrigerated and Room temperature specimens are stable for up to 7 days.


For whole organ donor and non-renal recipient evaluations only. An agglutination test for the determination of the subgroup (A1 or A2) of red blood cell group A or AB individuals.


ABO Subtype