Visit OHSU

Locations and Directions

OHSU has locations throughout Oregon and southwest Washington. Our primary locations are in southwest Portland on the Marquam Hill Campus and in the South Waterfront Central District.

Marquam Hill

The largest OHSU location. It's home to the OHSU Hospital, Doernbecher Children's Hospital, the Vollum Institute, the Student Center, and more.

Get a map of or directions to Marquam Hill.

South Waterfront

The South Waterfront campus includes patient care buildings, administrative offices, and academic facilities.

Get a map of or directions to the South Waterfront campus.

West Campus

Our West Campus is home to the Oregon National Primate Research Center, the Vaccine & Gene Therapy Institute, administrative offices, and a data center.

Get a map of or directions to West Campus.

Downtown Portland

Several OHSU departments provide administrative services in downtown Portland.

Find out how to get to our offices downtown.