Request Services

All submissions of samples to PSR must go through the iLab system. iLab integrates sample submission, communications, billing, and functions similar to a LIMS system for the Proteomics Shared Resource. Principal Investigators at OHSU already have had their information uploaded to the system, and accounts created.

You can find the login page here.

Frequently Asked Questions about Service Requests

There are several pieces of general information we'll need to perform a proteomic analysis on your samples. To help us collect all of this information as quickly and easily as possible we've put together a sample submission form within iLab. The links below address several common questions that can arise when submitting a project to PSR. For questions that are not addressed, please feel free to contact us directly.

For questions regarding OHSU's internal billing system, including those regarding Alias and FAID numbers, an FAQ and several additional links can be found here.

For questions regarding the iLab system, links found on the page here address several topics ranging from managing lab members to submitting requests.

For questions regarding parts of our submission form, the document here covers the reasoning behind several of the most relevant questions, and can help you choose the best options for your experiment as well.