Collaborative Research Unit

A major goal of the ONPRC is to serve as a regional, national, and international resource for the conduct of interdisciplinary biomedical research utilizing nonhuman primate models.  The Collaborative Research Unit (CRU) was established to facilitate collaborative research between ONPRC scientists and the external scientific community, and to fully use the resources available at the Center.  

A primary function of the CRU is to review and triage requests as being either appropriate or inappropriate for the ONPRC.  If initial evaluation per the CRU SOP determines that a collaborative project is appropriate, an ONPRC PI will be recruited if possible.  If not appropriate for the ONPRC due to the particular scientific or technical expertise or animal characteristics required, the CRU will determine if another NPRC can support the request.  All collaborative work proposed for the CRU will require ultimate approval by the ONPRC Research Advisory Committee and may also involve the OHSU Innovates Office concerning potential intellectual property and commercialization issues.  All proposed work is also subject to availability of animals and cage space for the duration of the proposed work, and that animal resources committed are consistent with the overall ONPRC colony management plan. 

Requests for collaborative/contract research work should be directed to Dr. Jon Hennebold, ONPRC Associate Director for Research at

Below are the guidelines for information you will need to provide for review by Dr. Hennebold:

  1. Brief outline of the project.
  2. Type of NHP study subject needed; e.g., sex, age, reproductive status, etc.
  3. Projected time frame (i.e., start data and duration).
  4. Approximate number of animals needed.
  5. What type/amount of funding is available (federal, foundation, private)?
  6. Who is going to do the work? If external personnel will be performing some aspects of the study, training may be required.
  7. Will the outside entity complete necessary IACUC paperwork or is CRU assistance needed?
  8. Will the work require assessment of intellectual property issues?
  9. Will research core services be utilized?
  10. Is project a fee-for-service contract or a collaborative study?