Cardiac Rehabilitation Treatment Options

OHSU's Cardiac Rehabilitation is a physician-supervised program for people who have either congenital (present at birth) or acquired heart disease. Cardiac rehab can often improve function, reduce symptoms and improve your well-being. Our three-phase inpatient/outpatient cardiac rehab program is tailored to meet your individual needs whether or not you’ve had a heart attack, surgery or procedure.


Our exercise physiologists in conjunction with our medical director create an individually tailored exercise program designed to improve your cardiovascular fitness, function, return to normal daily activities and building a firm foundation of lifelong exercise habits.

Weight management

Weight loss goals will be set at the first visit. Optimal weight management requires a combination of nutritional education, counseling, behavioral modification, and exercise training, all of which are offered in our program. In addition, all patients have access to a registered dietitian and weekly education classes.

Smoking cessation

A combination of behavioral counseling and medications are essential components of smoking cessation efforts. Our team of exercise physiologists and physician assistant will work with you individually to help you quit smoking to give you the best possible chance reducing your risk for future cardiac problems.

Blood pressure education and management

In conjunction with your primary care provider and cardiologist, we provide and/or monitor blood pressure medication and education on lifestyle modifications to maintain blood pressure at goal levels.

Cholesterol education and management

We will monitor your blood cholesterol levels, adjust and/or monitor drug treatment in concert with primary healthcare provider, and provide education on lifestyle strategies to lower your blood cholesterol.

Diabetes education

Our team will provide education on teaching and practicing self-monitoring of blood glucose levels, and in concert with your primary care provider assist with managing your diabetes to attain blood glucose levels within target goals. All patients have access to a registered dietician weekly, as well as referrals to our diabetes education center.

Stress reduction

Our staff, working closely with your primary care provider, will teach and support self-help strategies and provide education and counseling on adjustment to heart disease, stress management and health-related lifestyle change. We also offer a monthly patient support group open to patients and family members.

Patient support group

The Patient Support Group, "Heart Garden", is a patient-facilitated group for discussing shared issues or concerns, networking, socializing and educating patients (and their families) with heart disease. Cardiac Rehab participation is not required. The aim is to build an understanding and supportive community for patients facing similar issues.

For more information, contact Sam Blassingame: 206-504-6532. Email:

Healthy Hearts exercise program

We understand the value of continued exercise and want to create a safe and supportive atmosphere in which to accomplish your goals. Healthy Hearts exercise program is specifically for people with or without heart disease, who are looking to reduce their risk factors. An Exercise Physiologist will supervise participant safety and be available to answer questions. Cost is $40 monthly (not covered by insurance).

If you’re interested in the program please contact Brad Dexter or Trevor Holman at 503-418-2406.