About Cardiac Rehabilitation at OHSU

Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) and most private insurance plans cover these comprehensive programs if you’ve had at least one of these conditions:

  • A heart attack in the last 12 months
  • Coronary artery bypass surgery
  • Current stable angina (chest pain)
  • A heart valve repair or replacement
  • A coronary angioplasty (a medical procedure used to open a blocked artery) or coronary stent (a procedure used to keep an artery open)
  • A heart or heart-lung transplant
  • Stable chronic heart failure

Cardiac rehab focuses on building cardiovascular fitness, reducing the risks for future heart problems and improving the overall well-being of the patient. OHSU's three-phase cardiac rehab program is tailored to meet the individual needs of the patient and is a very important part of the treatment plan.

Our team works closely with the referring provider, primary care provider, cardiologist and surgeon to provide your patient high quality, comprehensive care.