Whole Slide Imaging

eSlide Manager

OHSU Pathology uses eSlide Manager to store and access whole slide images. You can access eSlide Manager web viewer using your OHSU network login: 

eSlide Manager

Slide Scanning Requests

We are building a digital pathology library for learners of all levels for study of typical and unusual cases. Faculty and trainees are invited to use whole slide scanning to add to our educational database and develop unknown case conferences. To make a request, fill out the Whole Slide Scanning Request form (for multiples cases, copy and paste the form fields).

Whole Slide Scanning Request form

E-mail the scanning request form to the Pathology IT contact:

Jared Olivas
Computer User Support

Consult Cases

To request scanning of consult cases, make a note of which slides you would like scanned when returning them to the Surgical Pathology office.