School of Nursing

What is the Exercising Together© trial about?

Kerri Winters-Stone, PhD, FACSM
Kerri Winters-Stone, PhD, FACSM Study Principal Investigator

“The Exercising Together©  trial is the first study in the world that uses exercise to improve the health of both the patient and their partner who has dealt with breast, prostate or colorectal cancer and all of its consequences. The National Cancer Institute awarded Dr. Winters-Stone and her team at OHSU $5 million dollars to learn more about how exercise can benefit cancer survivors and their partners. We know cancer patients and their partners each often experience fatigue, weakness, and depression that lingers after cancer treatment. Often times cancer strains intimacy and communication between couples. We know exercise can improve energy and well being, but we designed a program where couples work together as a team so that they get healthier together and may also become a stronger couple. The Exercising Together trial will tell us how to deliver exercise to couples to maximize their health, well-being and relationship. Findings from this trial could change the way exercise is included in cancer care in the future and also make cancer care more couple centered.”

Man and woman exercising
Exercising Together logo
Exercising Together 2