Emergency Medicine

EMED 705K MS4 POCUS Elective

Course Purpose Statement

The EMED 705K course, led by Megan Mickley MD, Director of Pediatric Emergency Ultrasound and Assistant Professor in the Depts. of Emergency Medicine & Pediatrics, and MS4 Evan Foulke, will be leading a collaboration among POCUS instructors from the Emergency medicine, Internal medicine and Family medicine Departments and medical student POCUS "superusers."   Both didactic and hands-on skill sessions will be taught during an 8-week POCUS elective for MS2 students.  We hope this will continue to promote interdisciplinary POCUS teaching and learning within the healthcare system.

Elective details are as follows:

-  8 x 1-hour (12p-1p) Wednesday POCUS lunch series during the fall (late Sep-early Dec) at CLSB
- Students will be provided with weekly asynchronous learning to prepare for each class
- Each session will be a brief 15-20 min didactic followed by a 40-min hands-on skills session
- Final session an OSCE to assess the students' progress
- Pre- and post-course written assessments
- Goal of 2+ faculty at each session, joined by some MS POCUS "superusers" to help

For further information about the course, contact Emily Hauser, (503) 494-6993, or hauserem@ohsu.edu