Senior editor for ASN Neuro, publications in Biology Reproduction, National Library of Medicine, Anesthesia & Analgesia and the Journal of Anesthesia

Congratulations to Hutchens Lab Postdoctoral Research Fellow Dr. Jessica Herbert for her publication in Biology of Reproduction titled "Male fetal sex affects uteroplacental angiogenesis in growth restriction mouse model." This paper examines the impact of fetal sex in pregnancies complicated by angiotensinogen overexpression on the vascular structure of the placenta as well as underlying molecular mechanisms. The work was completed as part of her graduate studies with Dr. Terry Morgan and also includes authors and collaborators from OHSU, PSU, and WPU.

Congratulations to Dr. Selva Baltan for her article "Neuronal hibernation following hippocampal demyelination," in the National Library of Medicine. Also, congratulations for Dr. Baltan's acceptance as a Senior Editor for ASN Neuro.

Congratulations to Drs. Glenn Woodworth and Amy Miller Juve for their paper "Development and pilot testing of entrustable professional activities for U.S. Anesthesiology residency training," in Anesthesia & Analgesia.

Congratulations to Dr. Tera Cushman for her manuscript which was accepted for publication "The role of anesthesiologists in perioperative limitation of potentially life-sustaining medical treatments: a narrative review and perspective," in Anesthesia & Analgesia.

Congratulations to Dr. Brandon Togioka for his paper "Delivery and neuraxial technique outcomes in patients with hemophilia and in hemophilia carriers: a systematic review," in Journal of Anesthesia.