Metin Can Siper


I am working as a research software engineer in Oregon Health & Science University. I am a member of Pathway & Omics Research Group that is lead by Emek Demir. I am contributing to implementation of various web based software projects in both client and server sides. The contributed projects are related to biological graph visualization, collaborative graph editing, and communication of people and computer.


Selected publications

  • Durupinar-Babur F, Siper MC, Dogrusoz U, Bahceci I, Babur O, Demir E (2016). BT103: Collaborative Workspaces for Pathway Curation, presented at International Conference on Biomedical Ontology and BioCreative (ICBO BioCreative 2016), Corvallis, Oregon, USA, 2016. Corvallis, Oregon, USA: ICBO and BioCreative.
  • Ozden, Furkan & Siper, Metin & Acarsoy, Necmi & Elmas, Tu?rulcan & Marty, Bryan & Qi, Xinjian & Cicek, Ercument. (2019). DORMAN: Database Of Reconstructed MetAbolic Networks. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. PP. 1-1. 10.1109/TCBB.2019.2944905. 
  • Dogrusoz, Ugur & Karacelik, Alper & Safarli, Ilkin & Balci, Hasan & Dervishi, Leonard & Siper, Metin. (2018). Efficient methods and readily customizable libraries for managing complexity of large networks. PLOS ONE. 13. e0197238. 10.1371/journal.pone.0197238. 
  • Babur, O., Luna, A., Korkut, A., Durupinar, F., Siper, M.C., Dogrusoz, U., Aslan, J.E., Sander, C. and Demir, E., 2018. Causal interactions from proteomic profiles: molecular data meets pathway knowledge. BioRxiv, p.258855.
  • Rodchenkov, Igor & Babur, Ozgun & Luna, Augustin & Aksoy, Bulent & Wong, Jeffrey & Fong, Dylan & Franz, Max & Siper, Metin & Cheung, Manfred & Wrana, Michael & Mistry, Harsh & Mosier, Logan & Dlin, Jonah & Wen, Qizhi & O'Callaghan, Caitlin & Li, Wanxin & Elder, Geoffrey & Smith, Peter & Dallago, Christian & Sander, Chris. (2019). Pathway Commons: 2019 Update. 10.1101/788521. 
